Reviews for Hell is Other People
carinims01 chapter 33 . 6/21/2020
Okay, so I have a lot of feelings. A friend just sent me this fic two days ago, and I’ve put in HOURS reading it straight through. My Screen Time app says I read 12 straight hours yesterday. I love it so much. The writing is beautiful and clear and concise. The PLOT, oh my god, the PLOT. It’s just wonderful. I love it with every ounce of my being. Thank you so much. And, please, don’t worry about those people saying Alex is OOC. I think he’s VERY in character for a boy who’s been traumatized as much as he has been. I think you’ve done a fantastic job at portraying him. I can’t wait for more, and I hope you can update soon!
Bebe chapter 19 . 6/12/2020
Dude I've been reading this all day, how you've managed to write so much and so well is beyond me. This is amazing, imma spend all of tomorrow reading the rest!
Guest chapter 33 . 6/6/2020
This is amazing. I can't wait to see Alex give testimony. Really excited for the next chapter. Thanks so much for this story.
Overlord of Sarcasm chapter 33 . 6/5/2020
Ya know, I gotta say I’m extremely impressed with your dedication in proving your friend wrong! 13 years, 400k words... quite a feat. Good job!

It’s a very good read, I’ll come back and check maybe every six months or so to see if it’s been updated. If it has, I of course HAVE TO reread the whole thing haha. Been following it for about twelve years and it’s been really fun to see your writing change over time.

I’m excited to see if there’s going to be a reunion with Chloe and her father or not, as well as if they will continue their friendship, start over, or drop it altogether

Anyhoo, good luck, stay safe and healthy out there and all that!
Aneeta Potter chapter 33 . 6/4/2020
I just reread the whole of this for like the 6th time! It's such a good story and Alex is so well characterised. I started watching the tv show of Alex rider today and it was actually a lot more like this then the books. It's been really hard lately with everything going on, and work has been super challenging so it was great to have this story to escape too. Hope you're safe and well. Just wanted to say a big thank you for cheering up my day. Will be keenly looking out for a new update!
Moonys.Padfoot68 chapter 33 . 5/27/2020
When are you going to let us know whether or not this story is officially dead? You started it 13 yrs ago! I need to know! This story is amazing! Graphic, but amazing!
Guest chapter 33 . 5/25/2020
Please update soon!
Rachaelthefangirl chapter 33 . 5/24/2020
Idk why but for some reason I'm pretty sure I read the begining of this fanfiction like 2 times but never actually continued all the way¿ it's dumb of me because this is one of the most well written and beautiful fanfictions I've ever read. you understand the characters so deeply and you write them perfectly. I love it.
Moonys.Padfoot68 chapter 25 . 5/24/2020
this is REALLY good!
Moonys.Padfoot68 chapter 19 . 5/22/2020
this is super good. Sorry for saying he should be 16. Anyway...he should be 16. If you're following the right timeline.
loki0191 chapter 33 . 5/22/2020
This was an utterly great read and I'm so glad I picked it up. Read these books as a kid and this is my first time reading a fanfic about it. Really wish something like this could have happened to Alex in canon.
Can't wait for more! I'm so glad you haven't stopped writing this!
Moonys.Padfoot68 chapter 6 . 5/22/2020
again, he's 16!
Moonys.Padfoot68 chapter 5 . 5/22/2020
Earlier in the story, you mentioned it was 2 yrs since his last visit to this place, so why is he still 14 now? He should be 16, like you said at the beginning.
Moonys.Padfoot68 chapter 4 . 5/21/2020
I died laughing at the end there.
Moonys.Padfoot68 chapter 2 . 5/21/2020
So good!
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