Reviews for Hell is Other People
ShadyWillow chapter 34 . 4/10/2021
Ok I really needed this update but now I can't wait for the next chapter!
Blown chapter 34 . 4/10/2021
Im so happy this fic is still updating. I have to reread it from the start but it's 100% one of my top favourite fics thank you sooo much for writing it all these years. 3
makhan chapter 34 . 4/10/2021
Excellent chapter, so glad to see you back. just wanted to note though I think the formatting on words you wanted in italics broke.
Jolinnn chapter 34 . 4/10/2021
Hi ami,

I was so wonderfully surprised to see the new chapter today! I am so so so happy that you are going to finish this story and I don't care how long it takes! I would read this ten years from now and be stoked that Alex is finally getting his happy end. It is just heartwarming to see him start healing slowly, and that definitely is something I missed in the originals.
I am so STOKED for the next chapter (and I am kinda glad you split it, so you can do his testimony justice - I don't like it, when someone telling his story is shortened to a few sentences).

I hope you have good fun writing the last chapters, and stay healthy!


Asilrettor chapter 34 . 4/10/2021
You are absolutely amazing
I am in total shock of how good this is without it even having the testimony in it

I really can’t wait for the next chapter whenever that comes out, I was hoping Chloe and her dad would also be present. And I definitely want an interaction between them, if you could possible make that happen if the story allows it
Weeping Angel chapter 34 . 4/10/2021
You updated! And it was glorious!
I’m so happy that you updated and I’m glad you’re well. I hope you’re able to update again soon and that you stay safe.
0Ailsa0 chapter 34 . 4/10/2021
I was so happy to see an update, and it certainly didn't disappoint!
Guest chapter 34 . 4/10/2021
Omg I just saw the email with an update to HIOP and I am so happy right now! I've been a little bit worried because of the lack of updates or author's notes - you never know how people are faring in this pandemic, so I'm glad to hear you're doing ok! I don't know how many times I've already reread your fic over the last ten years but I guess I'm going to do it again before I start on the new chapter. Thank you so much for sharing - I treasure your fic so much! 3
Gembomz chapter 34 . 4/10/2021
Wow, u love this fic so much and I'm so happy you updated. I'm gonna go back and reread the whole thing I think! Update again when you can, I look forward to hearing his testimony!
ArgentiSolis chapter 34 . 4/10/2021
Thank you for the wonderful chapter!
Asilrettor chapter 34 . 4/9/2021
Yay i am so excited. I have such a busy day today so I’m going to save this for tonight, but this makes my weeks
horsegirlfangirl chapter 34 . 4/9/2021
AHHHHH! Omfg I was literally so excited when I saw that you had updated and you never fail to amaze me! I love every single thing about alex getting the love and care he deserves and I love his friendship with Tom so much! Anyways I just wanted to tell you how excited I was to see you back again and I can’t wait to see how his testimony goes!
MortonTwins chapter 34 . 4/9/2021
Another amazing chapter. Thank you for coming back.
My 13yo will be very happy when he walks up because he's been asking if there's another chapter all year!
Hope things are well with you, and can't wait fir the next one.
ovkx chapter 34 . 4/9/2021
Reading this new chapter was such a wonderful way to spend an evening. Thank you for your dedication to continuing and completing this story. It's hard to believe the end is near! I've been following HIOP for many years and it's always been a special treat whenever you release a new chapter.

Yes, this year has been challenging for so many. I hope things start to look up for you as we (hopefully) start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Stay safe!
Nightfire k'Vala chapter 34 . 4/9/2021
3 great chapter!
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