Reviews for Hell is Other People
WTF chapter 34 . 4/9/2021
Holy fucking crap bag shitmongers, Batman (OG Batman 60s version) I was not actually expecting you to fucking update! Thank you so much!
amazingakita chapter 34 . 4/9/2021
i wasn't expecting to see the upd8 email in my inbox and I got super excited when I did! ty for this good food
DaisyLynn21 chapter 34 . 4/9/2021
I can honestly say this is my favorite AR fanfic of all time, you don't even know how sad I am to see the finishing chapters coming up. I'm going to be re-reading this for years. XD

Also, I can say with absolute surety, that no AR fic I've read comes even close to the types of research and plotting you had to have done to write this. My thanks to you, and to the people who beta'd you, inspired you, and/or badgered you ceaselessly to continue this story and see it fully through. Us readers appreciate the effort, that's for sure.

TsunaFan247 chapter 33 . 4/7/2021
I love this story! It is so professionally written, everything has great detail and nothing in the story is unbelievable or out there. I can't wait to see the story's ending! Also, just out of curiosity, is the title of this story based off of Jean-Paul Sartre's play "No Exit"?
dying4anUpdate chapter 33 . 3/31/2021
I will literally do anything to see the ending of this fic. I keep reading it, then re-reading it, then re-reading it again because it's such a CLIFFHANGER...ish. I want to see Alex meet the Doctor(s)' parents and start to re-integrate into school and society, and make up with know what? I WANT TO SEE IT ALLLLLLLLLLLL! XD
This is probably the best Alex Rider fanfiction story I've seen written. Usually, especially concerning Brookland students themselves, the writing is subpar. (No offense to any other authors, but credit is due where credit is due). It's refreshing to read something that is so clearly well thought out, and written by someone invested in writing a coherent, attention-grabbing, and REALISTIC story. And an original story, just by nature of the effort put into it. Because while the basic outline of the story itself isn't a new idea, (Brookland at Brecons? ... like we haven't seen that before) the way it is written is entirely different than the typical cliche.
- I see this in many fics, where the author will hugely blow a characters' strengths out of proportion, or, and you'll see this in Percy Jackson especially, will have, like, everyone in the universe bless them with everything from invincibility to the ability to talk to bugs. WHY WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT?! THAT RUINS IT! Superman is great, but Kryptonite is even better because it means that Superman isn't invincible, and that makes the fight sooo much more meaningful. There's a same idea here.

Is Alex above average? Yes.
He is a fourteen year old boy with little real life experience, thrust into a world of assassins and psychopaths, some of whom have been killing for longer than he has been alive. (If you didn't realize, Yassen Gregorovich is at least twice Alex's age, plus a few-ish years, and he started training as an assassin at least by 18). Alex is lucky. He has talent. BUT HE IS STILL A CHILD! And he would need tactical training and basic first aid, and he would need to learn to fight in less than ideal conditions and
2. Alex is still a child and his situation is COMPLETELY ABUSIVE AND WRONG!
I hate (most of, some of them are pretty well done, so I can't say I hate them all necessarily) the stories where Alex is somehow unaffected by the trauma that he has been forced to undergo. He's been repeatedly forced to inadvertently kill someone, or watch someone be killed (friend or foe) and that has to cause some type of damage to his psyche. He has been tortured, and repeatedly had his clothes taken off without his permission by both people on 'his side' and on the enemies' side, and sexual or not, small things like that have a huge impact on your psyche. He has been forcefully isolated from his peers, and on top of this has become the source of many rumors or just ill-feelings from old ex-friends that he can't put an end to because he has no control over his situation. And he has next to no support group. Jack is essentially a young, twenty-something-year-old, college-aged kid, and despite her best intentions, she can't protect him the way he needs to feel protected. She cannot be a safe place for him, because he is constantly worried about protecting her. And Tom is a brilliant mate, and an all around wonderful person, but he's still just a teenager and he just won't be able to understand the way Alex needs him to. And he still isn't 'safe' in the way Alex needs. And almost every adult he's had any interaction with bar Jack and possibly Smithers, has either abused, lied to, manipulated, or abandoned him, intentionally or not. Alex has got to have some serious trust issues, along with probable depression, almost guaranteed PTSD, and it's likely he has had suicidal thoughts. So again
This whole rant was actually like, literally only meant as a guilt-trip to make you update as much as you can, as soon as you can, with regards to whatever real-life situations you may be undergoing currently. And I really just felt like ranting about how annoying it is when I can't find good or new fics to read in this fandom that could be so great, and decided to re-read one I already knew I liked and CONGRATULATIONS! YOURS WAS THE FIRST ON MY LIST!
Please update. XD

This is a second guilt-trip into making you continue your story Attempt which I love as much as this one and cannot believe has not gotten more favorites and follows.

ovkx chapter 32 . 3/24/2021
I hope you're doing alright after what has been a difficult year for so many.

Rereading this story from start to finish reminded me just how good it is. I've been eagerly reading your updates for many years now and keep revisiting this fic. Thank you so much for writing HIOP and portraying all the characters with such care. I think that's what's stood out the most to me- how three dimensional and alive all the characters are.

Wishing you the best! Whenever you feel inspired to bring us the last few chapters, know that your work will be read and appreciated.
Knitter chapter 33 . 3/21/2021
Totally random Q, but do you like knitting? Your name means "I want to knit" in Japanese, like 編みたい (amitai).

Anyway, I love this story, and I hope you're doing ok. The world kind of sucks right now, doesn't it? Good luck.
NightSand chapter 33 . 3/10/2021
After rereading this spontaneously after, what, a year? I just want to say that it is still one of the best fics I've read, hands down. You handled everything so well and realistically, and Alex is just heartbreaking.

I hope you're well, regardless if whether or not you choose to finish this up. The last year has been an absolute nightmare and I'm not surprised any further updates haven't happened. Thank you for what you have written!
PurePreet chapter 19 . 3/6/2021
I haven't read the book?
PurePreet chapter 15 . 3/6/2021
that was undeniably cute
PurePreet chapter 9 . 3/6/2021
tom baby, ok honestly I was shook for a bit, I love tom, but nice plot twist
ArgentiSolis chapter 33 . 2/25/2021
I am reading this once again and I want to say this was fan-fucking-tastic
MillieM04 chapter 19 . 2/12/2021
Why am I crying, like fully sobbing, am I okay
swift35 chapter 33 . 2/11/2021
Thanks for writing! I actually cried in this chapter. Things are looking much better now! I know you said you died in the AN, I hope you got better. Looking forward to the next chapter, I hope to see more interaction with Chloe, Sally and Lizzie.
ShadyWillow chapter 33 . 2/5/2021
Well that was a story I didn't realize I needed. I was not ready for that to end
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