Reviews for Too Long In Winter
Sunnyxxxx chapter 25 . 9/30/2019
Im just crying right now. This story was one of the best Ive ever read
Thank you
sfiddy chapter 9 . 6/10/2018
Oh my God you went there. I did NOT see that coming.

ghostwritten2 chapter 25 . 2/10/2018
What a wonderful story. Thank you for writing it. I loved the happy ending, and then the bittersweet epilogue tied it perfectly to the movie.
Luca chapter 25 . 12/29/2017
Poor men in love!
kvasconez chapter 1 . 1/1/2017
This and its companion, "An Elysium Piece," are my absolute favorites, even if I would get upset...and yes, cry...for Christine's emotional abuse by Erik.

Outstanding works!
Guest chapter 25 . 1/1/2017
This and its companion, "An Elysium Piece," are my absolute favorites. Outstanding works!
kvasconez chapter 24 . 8/27/2016
Also, everyone cheers that Erik has his own marriage counsellor. Who does Christine have in the midst of Erik's new family? No one, except maybe Raoul. I am not a big Raoul fan, but in this case, he is better than being alone and just talking to God. (Continued comment from Chapter 23)
kvasconez chapter 23 . 8/27/2016
I get so upset when I read stories where Erik rips Christine's heart out and she prays or cries wanting him to come back. He failed her and I would love to see a story where she gets some backbone and leaves him, making him pray and grovel for her forgiveness. The writing is superb, and story interesting, but I am just venting... I am tired of crying for Christine's angst. Should just go back to Raoul...he would do the right thing.
iris2312 chapter 25 . 3/3/2016
I had spoken too this story is perfection. It was an amazing journey that you prepared for Erik and Christine and I loved every bit of it. I loved the bittersweet ending did really well in blending the movie in with this story line. Great job!
iris2312 chapter 24 . 3/3/2016
Perfection. Thank you for writing this story.
iris2312 chapter 9 . 3/2/2016
WHAT!? I did not see that coming...wonder how that is gunna turn out for the couple...cant wait to find out. I commend you on your ability to throw me for a loop.
HollyHobbit13 chapter 25 . 11/8/2015
What an amazing, quality read; I spent my weekend binge reading and count it time we'll spent. So glad E&C had their family; poor Raoul ... I especially liked the ending, and the way it ties in w/the 2004 movie ending with a unique and totally believable twist. Brava, brava - bravissima! Thank you for sharing your talent with fellow Phans!
9tsXPHfFPBdkMCi chapter 25 . 8/17/2015
I came late to this story and An Elysian Piece, but they gave me the peace I needed after the ending of Love Never Dies ripped my heart out. What an incredible writer you are and I thank you SO much for gifting us with your stories. If you feel so inclined to offer an alternate ending to Love Never Dies, I would not be disappointed. :)
Xinery chapter 25 . 1/17/2015
I love it! Thanks very much!
dksaga chapter 25 . 2/26/2014

I actually read this Elysium series a few months ago when I first began to binge on PotO fanfiction. And this series of stories has ruined me for any of the other Erik-is-a-de-Chagny attempts. None of them come close.

Come to think of it, it's ruined me for a lot of PotO fanfiction. It's in another league, just beautifully done. Even your "fluff" isn't quite fluffy ... it's just in another league, too passionate to be belittled with the term "fluff."


Am wishing I liked Glee so I could enjoy more of your writing. LOL
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