Reviews for True Elision
RebbeLi chapter 15 . 8/26/2015
An incredible story with a well thought-out plot. I really hope that you will continue with it.
Ruby626 chapter 15 . 8/8/2015
I hope you will update someday please. And this whole afterlife idea is not bullshit. It is a brilliantly well written, and one of the most believable post-manga stories in the whole DN fandom.
Guest chapter 15 . 6/14/2015
update someday. pls.
M.NightShamalama chapter 11 . 5/23/2015
What a twist!~
HortenseCortes chapter 15 . 4/14/2015
I think I get why you discontinue this story, you say it yourself : you aren't satisfied by it and yourself. So, does it worth continuing ?
Ugh, the better one are always the one never over !
I knew it will be a good story or at least a "OK" one, but I wasn't ready for it to be a fucking "Chef d'oeuvre". I don't remember exactly what it is but you've said something like "There's a lot of average meh story, I will try to do better", and believe it or not, you did. Yeah, yeah, it's the first DN's fanfiction I read in english because I'm finally able to but when I find a good work (Nah, far more than "good'), I know it.

I don't know if you even read your review anymore, but, look: anybody if trying can write a perfectly OC, and some of them even manage to do awesome works. But, you, what you did... You took two great character and you decide to do something original and personnal, you took a risk and the final result worth it.
And what I admire the most (Yes, I admire you) is the plot. This is so deep, complex and interesting. I sincerely admire what you've done.
I know fanfiction since years, and I've rarely read such beautiful story.
Even if it is now a bit useless, if I was good enough I would have translate this in french (I am).
I've no word to describe my feelings when I re-think sometimes about True Elision, I want to cry, and smile, and cry again... I don't even want to talk about the Raito/L relationship because it will drive me crazy. If I should put a definition for "slow-building relationship", I would say "L and Raito from TE".

I don't care what some people can say, True Elision is, was and will be a masterpiece.
YoSaffronBridget chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
I just want to add to the other person who said she/he would pay for you to finish this. I would too. Please take my money and finish it xD

I mean, this is good work and if you're interested, if you still like it, then I think you deserve to be paid. And if it works as a motivation, great!

(I doubt you'll even read this. But my offer stands)
LIGHTSBUTTTATTOO chapter 15 . 2/28/2015
I kinda want to thank you for the awesomeness of this story. Tbqh, I do think that Light is very OOC (I swear, this is very hard not to do so don't be upset or whatever), and L not so much. My favorite parts are usually the descriptions of violent disembowling and emotional turmoil. Though I was dying to see Misa, I found it kind of strange how if Light touched Misa in any way during his trial, he would undergo some type of rape. Was this supposed to be a form of retribution for Light not loving or lusting after her? Anyways, much love to you, and I hope for more of your writing in the future!
simone chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
holy shit dude it's 2015 i am a 20 year old human being who was reading this fic back when there was a chance it could still be continued like DUDE
but tbh i still think of this fic sometimes like you had one of the most interesting takes on hell/purgatory/whatever where everyone was wandering around looking for the person who was looking for them (it's been a WHILE since i read this) and i'm kinda sad i'll never know how it was supposed to end? some google-fu helped me find my way here though and i'm gonna reread this puppy this weekend-i just wanted to drop by and thank you for entertaining 14 yo me in such a lasting memorable way
TheFeyRa chapter 15 . 1/8/2015
It's obvious you worked very hard on this fic. I enjoyed reading your author's notes as well, and I really appreciate that you put a lot of thought into writing this. I understand that life tends to get in the way of writing, so I won't ask you to update. I just wanted to convey my appreciation of this fic- original horror, interesting themes, characters that aren't OOC.. I've been sucked into this. Favorited and followed!
Alessembarassingusername chapter 15 . 12/16/2014
Ohhhh mann..."To be continued"? Thanks a lot...T.T
I was warned. But i HAD to read this, the stupid otaku that I am. And now, I have been welcomed into the sweet torture of True Elision.
Like I offered you in a review to your one shot, I'd write the rest for you. I'm that enamoured by your story. Please let me know,if you're there. PM me or something. :(
Although i know i'll NEVER match up to your writing, no way.
MissLawlipop chapter 15 . 10/28/2014
Let me tell you this! You're vision of L and Light are spot on! You could be the author of Death Note from how in-character they are! I've never read a story as good as this and I was thinking how awesome this would be as a movie. You should finish this story and publish it! I'm not joking either. This is seriously the best story I've read on here. Also, I stand true to my word that I will actually pay you to finish this. Please finish this!
Guest chapter 15 . 10/26/2014
This is by far the best story I have read on here! I'm actually really depressed that its not finished! I'm not joking when I say I will actually pay you to finish this story. Please, PLEASE finish this!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/29/2014
Man, I was rewatching death note when I remembered this fanfiction. I remember reading it in Junior high school when I was 14 or 15, haha, oops. I remember praying it would be updated some day. And it never was. Still, if it's as good as I remember, I will treasure it always.
artemisgirl chapter 15 . 9/23/2014
Oh man...

So I have to tell you a story. So Back when I was seventeen, SEVEN YEARS AGO, I was looking at the Death Note archives thinking, "Huh. You should try reading a horror fanfic instead of your usual slash. You might like it. And Death Note definitely lends itself to horror."

So I DID. This one.

Aaaand it freaked me out too much to finish it.

Seriously. Even though I loved it, I couldn't get past the creepy doll in the house. I didn't even get to the earthquake scene! I would have seriously freaked out at the rapey bits.

Then years later, I started reading it again, and the scene with the hair and the hands freaked me out too much to even get back to the house.

I'm 24 now. I decided "I AM GOING TO FINISH THIS STORY", because even though I was never able to finish it, I really loved this story - it's incredibly well-written, and very deep and thought-provoking. And you do vivid imagery incredibly, incredibly well.

So I did. I read the entire thing.


It seriously NEVER occurred to me that there wouldn't be an ending. There were SO MANY WORDS, after all-! It NEVER occurred to me that it wasn't finished, that it was left incomplete.

Stupid, stupid me...

I loved this story, though. I'm devastated I wasn't able to read where L and Raito finally fall in love and desperately rip each other's clothes off, or where Raito finally quietly admits to L that he's realized he was wrong as Kira and tells him a little about his trial, or that he missed him after he died, or even the original chapter of the chapter in the hospital that you took down that everyone fangirled over. I will follow this story on the slim chance you ever update it again, but know - this story is really, really fantastic, amazingly layered and deep, and (though I've easily read over a thousand) one of the best fanfictions I have ever read.
Tsuki the Avenger chapter 15 . 9/2/2014
This story is fantastic! I know it's been years since it was updated, but still addicting and well written. Even if it stays eternally unfinished (our own personal Mu!) it was worth the read. However, following just in case an inspired ending strikes. :)
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