Reviews for Watching You
broken5pieces chapter 5 . 9/7/2022
Oh my gosh this is amazing
Guest chapter 2 . 10/11/2019
It’s ought to, not...’otta’ *gags*
XoMidnightXo chapter 1 . 4/8/2019
Im so sorry, I had read thump and laughed so hard cause I thought Light fell out of the bed
karii chapter 5 . 12/8/2008
cool! it's amusing that Light is the last to know about the DN, to think that he used to have the most knowledge... hm, Ryuk's plan is gonna destroy Light's initial plan... and for that and other reasons, be hilarious. May i ask you for an update? i know the summary says 'discontinued', but the story is too interesting to go to waste... pretty pleease?
creepingshadow chapter 5 . 11/21/2008
This is awesome!This sounds like what EXACTLY would happen if this happened! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE THIS!
creepingshadow chapter 3 . 11/21/2008
cool story! I'd wish you'd update it!
rokudaimehokage19 chapter 5 . 1/25/2008
i think you should continue this one

i love it

and i thought at first that ryuk loves light

pity it is not the case it would be more exciting
Drashin chapter 5 . 1/23/2008
Luckywolf chapter 1 . 1/23/2008
This is getting good. Please Update soon! Its too good of a story line to be abandoned!
Computerfreak101 chapter 5 . 11/2/2007
No IDEA what Ryuk plans to do by telling Light all that, but it's getting interesting. Update soon.
Tobi Tortue chapter 5 . 10/23/2007
Excellent. I have to say that my favorite line is at the end: "In fact, maybe if he went to sleep he'd wake up in the morning and this would all be a crazy dream brought on by too much time with his dear friend Ryuuzaki." Ha ha.

On another note, I think that there could have been more insight into Light's thoughts when Ryuk reveals himself. Also, I think that Ryuk tended to gloss over things that, if Light had no memories of the events, would need a deeper explanation. Perhaps in the next chapter Ryuk and Light can have some kind of debate about being Kira. But seriously, this fic is getting really good. Now L and Light can both see/hear Ryuk, but they are both pretending not too... Not only that, but now Light knows that he is Kira but he does not have the same emotions towards the idea that he would have had if he had his actual memories... Ooh, does he even still want to be Kira? And what will L do if he finds out that Light knows?

This is wonderful. I'm so excited.
Honor chapter 5 . 10/22/2007
A very very funny chapter. I hope to see more soon.
destroying tokyo chapter 5 . 10/21/2007
Excellent fic. I'm really loving it so far. :D
snow887 chapter 5 . 10/20/2007
BD i'm glad light can see ryuk now. thank you for updating and i can't wait to see the next chapter
Tick of Euphoria chapter 4 . 8/26/2007
man I hate cliff hangers, but anyway awesome chapter the next one looks especially exciting
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