Reviews for Paraselenic
Ki chapter 36 . 6/15/2021
Then why in the hell did you call me by his name?!"

It was a simple mistake. People call their loved ones by other names all the time (parents mixing up siblings for example). And sirius' mind wasn't the best. Harry is blaming sirius for every little thing and taking no blame for himself. He was responsible in a big way for sirius' death, due to stupidity and arrogance. (Jk Rowling couldnt have made it clearer the way she wrote that sequence of events) but of course sirius would never blame him.
Ki chapter 34 . 6/15/2021
There will never be another for me, Lily. Never."

Pity lily didnt feel this way for James, or that it took her so long to realize that. Severus really deserved better than her, I always felt.
Ki chapter 34 . 6/15/2021
He needed to get over whatever weird stage he was going through, defeat Voldemort, have three perfect children whom he would love unconditionally with his beautiful wife. It was what was expected of him, it was what he expected of himself"

This is heartbreaking. And possibly similar to what he felt in the books. He should want more than just "a beautiful wife". No wonder he was unhappy.
Ki chapter 34 . 6/15/2021
and raise a brow. "When are you going to let it go, Malfoy? I'm sorry, alright? I've said it a million times, what more do you want from me?"

If Harry thinks he has something to apologize for in regards to draco's death, how dare he speak like this? Like saying sorry a few times makes it ok? Of course dark harry comes out next
Ki chapter 33 . 6/15/2021
"What had he done wrong?"

You spoke as though it was just physical...after saying the things you said.
Ki chapter 33 . 6/15/2021
I am quite sure Tom would categorize our relationship as something less than important anyway, so what is there to revenge, really"

You. Argh! That whole previous fight happened cuz or Bellatrix and jealousy and cuz Harry only mentioned Lucius! How can he not think Tom cares? At least in some sense? Harry admits to loving him; does he really want to lose him over something so stupid? And just cuz Tom can't ialways doesn't mean he doesn't show it in a 100 ways. Harry is so dense sometimes!
Ki chapter 33 . 6/15/2021
Screw Tom, he's being an ass anyway, and he has no say over my actions."

Seriously? The immaturity is coming out again.
Ki chapter 33 . 6/15/2021
"Why not go back to the nice one you called me last night"

Sigh. Harry, don't bring up affection in the light of day that the other person said in bed or whatever. Especially when they are so insecure about it
Ki chapter 32 . 6/15/2021
He could have sent that child to him family. To zinnia and Blaise, if he bothered trying to help him rather than kill him cuz he asked...I wonder.
Ki chapter 31 . 6/14/2021
Harry was actually quite surprised by the protective vehemence that came over him when he thought of Ron killing Lucius."

But Ron is his closest old friend...and Lucius deserved it in this case. if Neville can kill Bellatrix, but Ron can't kill Lucius cuz Harry became a friend in the last month? I get it...sort of. But there are some major double standards here too
Ki chapter 31 . 6/14/2021
But once again, though his affection for Ron and his other younger friends was genuine and that he had caused the pain hurt him, he felt no remorse for having taken away the boy's father"

I do wonder at this a bit. Harry would never forgive them if they took sirius from him, for example. Could he really not have spared Arthur weasley's life? That once? I wonder.
Ki chapter 31 . 6/14/2021
Don't you dare." Harry wasn't sure whether he or Tom was more surprised by that sudden declaration, if Tom's momentarily bewildered expression was anything to go by."

-grins- the people who love you love your long hair. I dunno why but it's true.
And I love again that they are on the same page with the yes and no confusion with se*. Maybe they need a safeword..
Ki chapter 30 . 6/14/2021
I'm so damn glad they understand each other
Ki chapter 30 . 6/14/2021
"The man looking totally uninterested, but it didn't stop invisible claws from rending his insides to shreds."

Lol Harry isnt one to share either.
Ki chapter 29 . 6/14/2021
I'm glad Harry is not a hypocrite. He kills and tortured innocents and even people he cares about. I'm glad he doesn't hold it against Tom and justify his own actions as different.
Though I wonder a bit how supportive Hermione would be if she realizes Harry got Ron's dad killed and didn't care.
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