Reviews for Paraselenic
quisquiliaeca chapter 40 . 10/20/2020
This is beautiful.
So damn beautiful.
And now I feel empty as it end.
Sally Moony chapter 40 . 8/25/2020
This is the reason I obviously hate vampires
And the mere thought of immortality
It’s so bloody depressing
But I love your story so much
It was interesting to read
painful-lullabies chapter 40 . 8/18/2020
Truly a magnificent piece of work. Thank you for finishing this story.
Mariel Roselly Chilan chapter 40 . 8/7/2020
es...bastante agridulce duele pensar en Harry pasando la eternidad sin Tom...sinceramente hubiera preferido saltar eso, pero cierto que nada es eterno (excepto los vampiros que se conservan, aunque dudo mucho que no encuentren la muerte también en su debido momento).

Como has sacado lágrimitas con esta historia y ¡oh, Dios! es la primera vez que hice un berrinche por todos esos capítulos angustiantes en los que Harry permaneció en medio de ese, no. Ya volví a pensar en la muerte de Tom. ¡Ahg!¡No puedo, Dios!

Muchas gracias por esta historia, a pesar de todo me a re-encantado y definitivamente a sido agregada a mi lista de "Favoritos, de esos que debes leer SÍ o SÍ"
Darlu chapter 1 . 7/28/2020
Hello. Great fanfiction. Can I translate it into Russian?
Kushka chapter 40 . 7/26/2020
Good story
Guest chapter 40 . 7/24/2020
a fucking beautiful fanfiction, probably one of the best i’ve ever came across. every character was portrayed absolutely perfectly, and i loved the plot line and the unexpected events throughout the entire story. i’ll definitely be coming back to this truly amazing piece of work. thank you so much for writing this masterpiece.
goldenzingy46 chapter 40 . 7/22/2020
Well, here are the pieces of my heart
Maeva Cerise chapter 40 . 7/19/2020
Really really interesting! Thanks you for sharing your story with us and not erase it. Thanks again
Charlotte Mattox chapter 40 . 6/28/2020
I cried I laughed and I even got angery a few times. well done!
dracomoonyscorpius chapter 1 . 6/22/2020
Please don’t remove this version I really love this book... just post a new book as the rewritten one
LexiJoy.28 chapter 40 . 6/20/2020
Holy freaking crap. That was so good. I really need to stop crying. Goodness this was an absolute emotional roller coaster and I loved it very much. Thank you so much!
caxandra chapter 40 . 6/12/2020
it was okay? the last few chapters were way too angst filled compared to the rest of the relatively lighthearted first 30 ish chapters. also, the ending was super unrealistic imo. also there was not a satisfying HEA to the angst of chapter 39 and his sudden flight.
lukemowry chapter 1 . 5/30/2020
I was gonna read this until I saw it was a faggot based story. * Sigh * seriously I wish they made a " no gay shit " filter option on here so I wouldnt start reading a story and liking it but then stop cuz of being disgusted with that homosexual bs. It's legit annoying af
Coolfire30 chapter 40 . 5/26/2020
You have me in perpetual tears... You know...I almost didn't read this fic due to my accidentally reading along the lines of 'Tom dying in the future'... my thank the lords that I did... and now...I'm suffering... and overjoyed at the same time... truly I am at a loss...I loved reading this story... but more so is the fact that I loved what this-the plot, the story, the character development... what they represented... change, growth, the utter rawness which human emotions can bring-elicit... damn it...I'm still freaking crying please stop it.

I will reread this in the future...I can be sure of that...
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