Reviews for Lily and James |
GingerHeit chapter 7 . 7/30/2012 "Yes, it's true, blueberries do that to babies. I know from personal experience." That is good to know my friend! |
GingerHeit chapter 5 . 7/30/2012 Absolutely great! Love love love it! I dont think anything can change that for me actually. "Remember, look before you leap." Hmmm, thats kinda been my philosophy for awhile. Maybe I should change that. Maybe I'll end up with my own James ;) just without being killed by Voldie and all that. |
GingerHeit chapter 4 . 7/30/2012 I am still absolutely loving it. 'Lily pressed her hands over her heart and closed her eyes, smiling widely as she inhaled. "He kissed me," she breathed. "He what?" squealed Carlotta. Lily opened her eyes and laughed. "Just kidding."' Ahahahaha I think I'll do that sometime. Love it! |
GingerHeit chapter 1 . 7/30/2012 Just started reading. I love it! |
Guest chapter 9 . 7/17/2012 for fifth year, you show too many signs of Lily liking him. For example, after Lily and James have an argument: "Her raging dislike and like for him ricocheting off one another in her head and chest." she did NOT like him at all until seventh year. Also when Snape leaves for dinner: "She felt her heart racing and her cheeks flushing." and again when he asks her to Hogsmeade: "'No,' she snapped, clutching the strap of her bag. Her mind viciously beat down the small part of her throbbing heart that chanted for her to say yes." Those bits would fit better in their seventh year, but seventh year doesn't fit with the rest of the story. Also, one would assume this is maybe the beginning or middle of fifth year because Lily and Snape are still friends, am I right? THIS COMMENT IS A CHAPTER NINE COMMENT :) other than the tiny little things, you've done a nice job :D |
Katy Davis chapter 23 . 5/12/2012 This is one of the best books I have ever read up there with the hunger games I really think you should email this to jk rolling and have her company revise it and publish it I no if I was looking in a book store I would buy this ;) |
Elyssa Green chapter 4 . 4/28/2012 Hi aspiring author. I am absolutely loving the story and have to confess that you write better than 98% of the wannabe writers on here. I only see a couple of problems so far, one is a bit of a grammar problem, only like a needed comma here or there, and then there's a content problem. In chapter four's quidditch practice you say that james is holding the quaffle, like he's a chaser. However, in the series they say that James was gryffindor seeker. Other than that, i love it! Keep writing! |
Conceited Prancer chapter 23 . 4/27/2012 These are cute :) My favorite was Sieze the Day. I love the way its written in. You've brightened my day, you lovely person ;] ~BML :) |
HappilyBlue chapter 23 . 4/22/2012 hey this is really good! please keep updating! |
ReaderMagnifique chapter 23 . 2/29/2012 This is a really good story - keep it going! |
Guest chapter 23 . 10/20/2011 Wow I loved it! Wow |
manandit chapter 15 . 10/8/2011 Hi I like your story but wasn't Remus prefect not James. |
statesofdreaming chapter 22 . 8/31/2011 Brilliant. |
statesofdreaming chapter 23 . 8/31/2011 Loved all the chapters. Great work! |
M chapter 15 . 8/14/2011 Hahahahahaha i love Dumbledore XD :) thanks for the chapter. you write exactly what i want to read :) |