Reviews for Possession
Kokoa Kirkland chapter 33 . 1/4/2016
Awesome story.
Ame-chan chapter 26 . 12/9/2015
I LOVEEE your story so much! But I realised something, why can't any of the Hyuga members use their byakugan to like spy on other people, why use a branch member? I mean if using the byakugan requires chakra, the elders can just take turns. Plus they're old, so I don't think they'll be training or carrying out missions? So it's okay for them to waste their chakra? And if they pick Izanami as their spy, I don't think Izanami wants money, Izanami would most likely want a higher status maybe? So it kinda contradict their purpose of maintaining tradition by giving a branch member a higher status? I don't mean to offend you or anything, I'm just curious. Oh! And I can't wait for your next update!
chemiczen chapter 8 . 12/4/2015
You hated writing the chapter? Well, I hated reading it too. All you're doing is just painfully sticking to canon despite making this a NejiHina pairing. Sure the beginning was original and a good read, but all it takes to ruin that good beginning is a development like this. Definitely not the kind of plot device you're supposed to be using for a story like this. Too rage inducing.

I didn't like the Neji in his fight with Hinata during canon, and I surely don't like reading about it again in this story. We're not supposed to hate Neji, we're supposed to root for him and Hinata being together. And after this, just- no! I'm not shipping Neji and Hinata anymore. You've ruined that for me.

What a waste of time. Such a huge disappointment. I'm adding this to the 'rage-inducing-piece-of-shits-I-should've-never-bothered-to-read' list.
The sprinke lionsea chapter 29 . 10/27/2015
gohkgjf i love this story so much
DreamingTheMelody chapter 2 . 10/3/2015
-cries from the cuteness that was this chapter-
Aww, they're so cute together! I'm gonna keep reading (naturally), but thank you for such a lovely thing!
SasuHina fan chapter 33 . 9/19/2015
Wow. This had been a great ride for me. I am no writer but I must say that you really have put everything together well. The pieces fit together. Nothing was left out.

For the nth time, I would say this. You are a great writer. You have the talent. Thank you for your fanfics. They are worth the read. I hope you're a novelist now and that one day, I would be able to open and read a book written by you.
SasuHina fan chapter 30 . 9/19/2015
Continuation: I loved how you managed to do that (changing the Hyuga clan's ways). For the nth time, I commend you for being a great writer.
SasuHina fan chapter 30 . 9/19/2015
At last I read a fic where Hyuga clan was changed for the better. I read many fics that somehow addressed the Hyuga clan's corruptness but some of those fics in the end forget about changing the clan. It's as if it faded in the background. So unfortunately it seems that were left to go back to their old corrupt ways. And I hate that. Though I am always grateful that the protagonists have their happy endings, a part of me also wants to make Konoha (including the clans) great
SasuHina fan chapter 25 . 9/18/2015
I'd be lying if I don't say that I really liked that SasuHina moment. Ow. As much as reading this NejiHina fic had brought up a different side of me (different love for a different pair), I can't deny that my heart would ultimately belong to SasuHina. But be assured, NejiHina has officially taken over a part of my heart because of you, Author san. Thank you for that.
SasuHina fan chapter 3 . 9/16/2015
Oh my. You really are a good writer. You were one of the writers who made me fell deeply in love with SasuHina. Even up to this day, though SasuHina didn't become canon, I love them. Now, you're making me love NejiHina too. I like the bond that these two shared in the anime/manga but you made me see their relationship in a different light through this fic.
Spellweaver10 chapter 33 . 8/29/2015
Even if I ship Neji TenTen more this story was a little masterpiece. Excellent fanfiction.
I have to say that many times Neji was very stupid for a genious but I guess pride has that effect to people.
XxTaintedxDaggerxX chapter 33 . 8/15/2015
Loved this story so much!
The Princess and the Peanut chapter 33 . 6/21/2015
Honestly, I'm not a fan of NejiHina. Not because of any writing, but because, if you think about it, genetically, Hinata and Neji are half-siblings, and that weirds me out. So, I was kinda cautious when I started reading this story, and I think you did an amazing job. Personally, I hate angst, so I was basically screaming at Neji when he had his head so far up his ass he didn't really see anything (Byakugan being all-seeing my ass). So, I was so happy when he FINALLY saw Hinata, and I was gonna get upset during the honeymoon, cause I was like "Don't ruin it!" Anyways, I just wished they had more kids. (I also loved how Keiichi and Akari are like miniature Nejis and Hinatas. I just hope they don't make the same mistakes!)
GiannaBrown chapter 15 . 5/8/2015
Hinata x Neji is basically the only sibling-turned-love story that I'll ever approve xDD
MashiroNguyen chapter 3 . 4/25/2015
As much as I love NaruHina... Incest rocks man ! And a loving Neji is the best.
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