Reviews for Forging the Sword
richdsils chapter 6 . 11/30
you know what really pisses me off about all these stories its when "Harry spills the beans" to his friends about EVERYTHING he DOES and they give NOTHING back oooh harry You Will Tell Me everything right now ( yeah right f that )
One day I'll see a story where he has a fracking backbone FFS...
Visionless1 chapter 15 . 10/17
I certainly hope this story gets completed sooner or later. It certainly has some funny spots as well as being a serious story.
ObsessivelyObsessiveObsession chapter 12 . 9/24
Also, sort an extension on the previous post (for chapter 11), but how much of an impact could wizards really have? They have a tiny population and, as far as I know, the majority of the stuff they create is limited and may not even work on muggles.

Take healing for example. A medi-witch can do some cool stuff with a wand, but at the end of the day, serious stuff requires potions. Can muggles even take potions? Even if they can, potion ingredients are many times rare and the creation of potions is time consuming. How could wizards possibly hope to make a meaningful impact? Besides, the richest and most advanced countries in the world are already insanely good at healing. Wizards honestly wouldn’t be too much better at saving others than muggle technology. They would just be faster (assuming potions worked).

And what else could wizards do? Many enchanted objects seem to require magic to function (brooms, portkeys, etc). Most of said objects are expensive and time consuming to make, and its not like we have seen anything that would really make the lives of muggles way easier,

So at the end of the day, what could wizards even realistically do on a wide scale? Why come out of hiding, risk themselves, and make their lives way harder, for that?
ObsessivelyObsessiveObsession chapter 11 . 9/24
Hermione has a bit of a naive perspective regarding “muggles”. She gives off the air of “if muggles had powers, their capacity for kindness and love would see them save children, cure the sick, and dedicate their lives to the betterment of humanity”.

But that’s not the case. Firstly, Wizards ARE just muggles with powers. So, basically, the experiment has already ran its course in every major society in the world, and the truth is that the super powered humans do very little to save the non powered humans.

Secondly, muggles arent any better than wizard kind from a moral standpoint. How many people actually go out of their way to help strangers? Even amongst those that go into medical professions, it rarely ends up being to selflessly help others. Also, how often do you see rich people or countries going out of their way to aid poor, sick, and impoverished people?

It happens I guess. But for the most part, people just look out for their own, and 99% of people dont care about strangers at all. They just live their lives and focus on themselves and those close to them. With this in mind, the wizards cultural stance makes all the sense in the world. They are not better or worse than mugglesthey are the same.

Hermione looks at the very best muggles (those that are truly kind, loving, and selfless) and attempts to extend that same morality over an entire race of people. It’s unfair and naive. The exact same points she is throwing at wizards could apply just as easily to almost every rich and powerful person or country in the world.
lukeanimelover chapter 1 . 7/9
Fair warning.. this guy hasnt updated his profile in around 7 years (its 2024 when i comment this” so… im not saying he wont come back. But its very unlikely.
varenyamishra2511 chapter 15 . 6/17
Ok, Karkaroff has no grounds to call a train a muggle monstrosity when his ship is one too lol.
shirley chapter 15 . 5/20
excelente historia amigui actualízala porfa
Pork Bowl chapter 15 . 3/27
This story is amazing in its depth and world building, one of the better stories here. Love the chemistry and character building between Hermione, Harry and Ron.

Wish it had more chapters, please release or write more you’re a fantastic writer!
deborahstoops24 chapter 15 . 3/26
looking forward to dermstrang part
Streetpixie chapter 15 . 1/9
Aww sucks for Harry he's missing out on classes with the real moody, maybe ron can take notes? It probably wouldn't be the same unfortunately but alas. This is a really interesting way of both keeping the friendship intact while maintaining the canon situation of Harry and Hermione against the world during the triwizard competition which I always kind of liked because of how loyal and brilliant she was in the lead up to him facing literal dragons as well as jeers and boos, everyone wearing potter stinks badges an her being solid and reliable for him in a way none of the teachers or other students were when he really really needed it. I kind of love how this moody approaches the unforgiveables he doesn't quickly demonstrate them on spiders in the name of knowing what you're dealing with like crouch jr did, he goes into the reason for their legal status he goes into the morality of using them at all. It's a more nuanced approach and makes him a believably great teacher. Also aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I know this fic may never update on the grounds of the last update date being a good few years ago but that tidbit of the next chapter namedropping Sirius Black still has me going crazy over it. I mean I love Sirius so much and was worrying he'd be trapped in Azkaban indefinitely in this fic because just like how Ginny died things don't always work out for the characters the way you'd like, but that gave me so much hope because! Sirius 3 Padfoot! Godfather dogfather one adult who prioritises Harry above all other concerns and cares about him and keeps him informed because he wants him to be able to make his own choices as well as protect himself! And that's like so much more in the context of this fic because Harry hasn't gotten a weasley jumper since 2nd year and he doesn't have a psuedo adoptive family anymore because they ignore his existence even though he was only 12 and Ginny was dead either way and it was Voldemort and Malfoy's fault not his and everything, like he doesn't have adult family in this world the way he did in canon, Sirius is all he's got and he doesn't even have him yet but that tidbit made me so excited because maybe he will? If the story has to end on a cliffhanger I'm glad there was such an uplifting hint for what was to come. The Gryffindors bonding over their harrowing experiences in Moody's class was cute, they really all seem like friends united against the horrors of stinksap there and it's kinda nice to see Harry and co getting along with their yearmates.
coco chapter 15 . 11/12/2023
holy crap this is incredible! i know it’s been years since you’ve updated but i really, truly hope you decide to continue this. the plot and concept is really interesting and i love your characterisation of the trio (and dumbledore as well). love it ️️️
Guest chapter 15 . 11/2/2023
This is amazing, I love the direction you took this in and how you write each of the characters. This is such an amazing story, thank you for sharing it.
Dragones chapter 15 . 9/3/2023
Please please carry on with this. Its been a long time I know, but I just discovered it via a recommendation on AO3. I am absolutely enthralled with your world and am desperate to see more
Guest chapter 15 . 8/9/2023
Amazing! I love the trio and the way Ginny's death has such far reaching consequences. Lovely story 3 3 3
Guest chapter 15 . 7/28/2023
Love this, sorry to see unfinished for whatever reason but glad for the story.
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