Reviews for The Dark Lords of Nerima
anakinastronaut chapter 12 . 11/23/2024
This fight scene is probably the most technically impressive fight scene I've ever read. If it were animated by a good studio it would dominate forums for years. The amount of threads going on in this massive fight are insane, and all throughout it the characters still shine through in their decisions. This is amazing. I'm astounded.
the-weeb-with-a-need chapter 24 . 2/17/2022
Brenden1k chapter 18 . 5/3/2021
The youma, kind of like nazi Germany, are to busy fighting themselves when they need to fight the enemy, the inefficiency of social darwism/evil.
The Tailor chapter 24 . 2/16/2021
Still a great read years down the line! Very enjoyable
SonkaD chapter 21 . 1/21/2021
Awsome fighting scenes as always. You did a very good job showing different points of view and it was a very good addition to look closer at two simple youma, makes them feel more real and more understandable. I almost felt sorry for Lesp and Cortheia when they were finally slaughtered...
SonkaD chapter 19 . 1/19/2021
Yeaaaaah, Mousse kicks ass!
Mousse is not my favourite character, but he rocks when he's turned into a badass ;)
SonkaD chapter 18 . 1/19/2021
"It's not as though a mere cat could do much to disrupt their plans herself." Yeah, sure.
Love it! Brilliant again! Looking forward to the big fight next chapter :)
SonkaD chapter 15 . 1/18/2021
Ami's visit at the clinic is just brilliant. Hilarious. I don't know what else to say about it, but really, thank you for the fit of laughter!
And Usagi's and Rei's respective visits were cleverly thought of too.
Very good chapter!
SonkaD chapter 10 . 1/17/2021
The scene with Shampoo and the Senshi at the Nekohanten is just brilliant!
SonkaD chapter 8 . 1/16/2021
Ryouga saved by his cursed form... That's rich! :D
I loved this fight. You show how formidable our favourite martial artists are: even without the ki-attacks, they do have an awful lot of techniques and tricks up their hands and you make use of them all. Good job.
SonkaD chapter 1 . 1/15/2021
'Just how much trouble could she possibly cause him anyway?'
Ahahah! I love how you set up this story.
Amidamaru88 chapter 13 . 5/19/2020
forget what I said before, this is a much better chapter, a lot of build up and satisfying payoff
Amidamaru88 chapter 11 . 5/19/2020
extremely well freaking done, a fantastic mix
Lukkai chapter 20 . 5/15/2020
So, Kuno apparently cannot break the fourth wall.


I'll see myself out.
MysticRising chapter 24 . 10/24/2019
So damn funny. I laughed at some parts, so many good laughs. You made excellent usage of Ranma and it's typical humor. I imagine adding khr to a crossover like this, and the chaos would be unimaginable!
I kinda wanted to see tuxedo mask fall in love with girl ranma, like he saw her doing CPR or something to save him and in that instant love bloomed. Or even funnier, luna gives ranma senshi power. I mean he already dresses up as a girl so why not?
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