Reviews for Precious and Fragile Things
sierra's scarlet chapter 6 . 9/25/2008
Wow. You don't go for the easy writes do you? This piece really makes me contemplate the sense of touch and how much I use it (not in the dirty way mind), but just how hard it must be to feel nothing at all. You do a great job of creating the reality of a hopeless mindset. Are you close to someone who is partially paralyzed? This is certainly good enough to seem that way.
dristi chapter 6 . 6/25/2008
hi, the story was wonderful and the quotes were just perfect!
werewolfsfan chapter 6 . 12/20/2007
Great story! Well written and intriging.
Shadow Cat17 chapter 6 . 10/19/2007
This is such a wonderful story! Extremely well written.
Talon chapter 6 . 6/10/2007
I loved this story...I had been wondering if anyone did a 'sirius back through the veil' thing and I was happy to come across this one. While of course I love fairy tale endings (sirius walking!) I thought this was very believable and cool ending and I was so happy they finally were on the normal track again by the end. Great job!
Illyra chapter 6 . 6/9/2007
Hey! Im so happy that you posted it on Ive read it on SBRL last year and I liked it a lot! Its really good, especially Remus reaction. That hes just happy to have him back. Siriusproblems are well written, too. His feelings of uselessnes, his drinking problems, etc. Its a perfect mixture of humour (Tonks first assault), drama and a happy end. (I love happy ends.)
firesnake or snakelights chapter 1 . 6/5/2007
This story is excellent!

May I reccomend you get a livejournal and put it at


I think you'll find them being more receptive to such a peice.
rekahneko chapter 6 . 6/3/2007

Sirius has finally accepted his life and he and Remus can get back to being all cute and happy.


I love how Harry is able to be with them (grr Mrs. Weasley) and mediate, encourage, help out, and butt out when the occassion calls for it.

rekahneko chapter 4 . 6/3/2007
I like how you use Kingsley and Tonks, showing both positive and negative relationships that Remus has other than with Sirius. Too often I read something where the only person Remus has is Sirius. In this case, he has chosen Sirius, not just that he is the only person around.
rekahneko chapter 3 . 6/3/2007
A very good job on showing Sirius' frustration with events and how he feels so powerless about everything going on around him.

Very emotional!
