Reviews for A Square Peg in a Round Hole
carmies chapter 1 . 4/30/2009
This was a wonderful well written story. Thank you for posting it for others to enjoy.
GreenEyes7 chapter 13 . 4/27/2009
Thank you for writing this series. It's a great look at Methosand an interesting Primer into the SG-1 universe. As a fan who's only seen Atlantis, this was a great rundown on the SG-1 storyline and characters. Thanks for explaining the Go'uld, Jaffa, and Tokra to me. I'm also intrigued by the whole Methos is a minor Asian deity thing. I wonder if Daniel will see the footage and delve into that. If you ever do decide to write a sequel, I will definitely read it.
night.phonix chapter 13 . 4/18/2009
I loved this story and i always try to come every week to see if you wrote a sequel. Please write one, i realy would love to see how Mac will Deal with Methos.
enderwiggin24 chapter 13 . 4/13/2009
I came here via a rec, and just spend my morning reading through this gorgous crossover, and its probably vain to hope, that we reader can see how methos is going to conquer the galaxy and be a benevolent ruler, but alas, I loving what you have had, and even had cameos from Mac and Joe and cassandra at the end!

coolest thing ever :D
blueMeridian chapter 13 . 4/10/2009
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I read it and loved it so much that I turned right around and recced it! You find the recs at community./hl_recs/ and blue-meridian. .
Neoinean chapter 13 . 4/7/2009
This story has just reminded me of how very much I love Methos' character. Your Methos here definitely calls to mind the man who "hasn't felt guilt since the 11th century", and that for all intents and purposes he appears to have come to terms with who he is and what he's done in all those 50 years. Though the line between self-awareness and the conscious shying away from it into cognizant denial seems appropriately blurred, depending on the relevant context. Too, the concept of Methos as method actor is so very fitting, as is the question of whether or not Methos truly knows and/or remembers the underlying self anymore, after so many years and so many roles played. I love stories the question self-identity and this had it in spades.

And Jake O'Neil. With ONE l. I noticed it right off in chapter 1 and thought it was a deliberate choice (you wouldn't be the first author to make it), and its just one of a long line of tangible things that Jack-not!Jack can latch onto to prove he's his own person. Truly, I love mini!Jack stories, likely because of my above-mentioned fetish, and I love to see how different authors tackle the issue. The dichotomy of wanting to be his own person and recognizing where he's already started to be "not like Jack" while at the same time actively pining for his life as Jack, or at least Jack's position (and the attached respect, authority, responsibility) and friendships is as believable as it is painful to read. That Methos likened Jake's position as akin to a newbie immortal was insightful - I totally didn't see it coming but then, once revealed, it made a lot of sense.

Then add in the nebulous definition of godhood, and how so much of what is defined is based solely on perception, and the plot grows organically out of the characterization. And the ending was sheer brilliance. So very Methos, or at least so very plausible given the Methos that you've painted for us, here. After all, he knows how to be a god, and how to do it well (I noticed how Methos did with blood what he'd previously done with woad - nice touch, that).

Anyway, Bravo! *adds story to favorites*
The13thHour chapter 13 . 4/4/2009
This was a truly riveting story that was overwhelming in it's originality and characterization. The depth that you were able to give Jake and Methos was astounding as was the seamless way you integrated both fandoms. I was both impressed and ensnared. Is there a sequel in the works by any chance?

~ The13thHour
Ashley chapter 8 . 3/31/2009
Really enjoying the story so far-fantastic crossover.

Minor glitch: The airman salutes Jake and calls him "sir" when he gives him the papers; that means Jake is an officer (at least a second lieutenant). Officers are not drafted, nor do they enlist. They accept commissions. (Since Jake is not Jack, he's not being recalled, either.)
Zephyrfox chapter 13 . 3/6/2009
I just stumbled across this story today; It's wonderful! I hope you have done a sequel, or that there is one in the works!
Teldra chapter 13 . 3/2/2009
I loved this!
icestar-comet-moon chapter 13 . 2/10/2009

Oh my god! This is a COMPLETELY ENTHRALLING READ! The entire thing is perfectly paced, there are no sudden changes in circumstances that confuse the reader, and the characters sparkle with life.

I absolutely adore this fic, and thank you very much for writing it. *faves and watches you*

Thanks again.
Zuzanny chapter 13 . 1/12/2009
I really like the way you write Methos. Once more I really, really, really enjoyed this fic! Thank you for writing it.
HottahSpots chapter 13 . 12/20/2008
Wow a truly well written fanfiction. You've awed and inspired me. The plot was well thought out and executed well. The characters I found to be mostly believable. There were times where I had a hard time connecting them in my mind to the real character but they played the parts you assigned them without having it distract from the story.

The words were physically there that Jake was Jack's clone but I never really got the feeling from his actions that he was much more than a highschooler. But despite that the whole he played in the story fit his actions and his moods and such very well.

I also found the huge jumps in time to be disorienting. I got the feeling that there were things going on that I missed out on. However despite that, having finished it I'm of the opinion if you had written them in it would have detracted from the mood of the story.

I loved the twist at the end where Methos declared himself a god and took over a Jaffa army. The whole leaving a gap of power thing in Stargate always bugged me a little bit I think that you're interpretation on how it should have been taken care of was brilliant.

Overall I'm extremely impressed with your writing and am now on my way to check out some of your other work. Thank you for giving me a high quality fix to my fanfic addiction.
jenetri chapter 13 . 12/15/2008
Very great story. I hope you write a sequel!
DeengoBlue chapter 13 . 11/30/2008
This was fantastic! You, or Methos, certainly took this to places I'd never imagined it'd go. Wow.

And I loved Jake's Peter Pan/Captain Hook thoughts, btw.
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