Reviews for Unprecedented Turnabout
ThisUsernameisTaken304 chapter 21 . 4/21/2020
Wow! This was written a decade ago, but I still really enjoyed this! Wonderfully written, and your AN's really made me laugh!
Guest chapter 21 . 9/7/2019
And It's over...?
No, no puede ser ;-;
abe lincoln5 chapter 11 . 6/17/2019
Guest chapter 21 . 4/6/2019
Human,this was amazing.I know you’re dead but still,after all the damage the games after the trilogy did,this medicine helped me feel at home.I am truly happy,and well,I like to imagine they talked after the trial and everything was good again,like at the end of other games before the big fall of the Phoenix ~
Guest chapter 21 . 5/25/2017
This was a amazing story, I know this was written seven years ago and it seemed to have ended abruptly, I loved it regardless. Thank you for your hard work and passion, it was beyond amazing, it was a wonderful read. Larry dialoge about Pheonix and Edgeworth was truly perfection. Have wonderous night.
Luckyreader2000 chapter 21 . 4/19/2017
Awwww this is super cute. Well thanks for writing this story. Have a nice night.
Mr.SoujiSeta chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
I know I just commented but I have to say this: I really wished Miles had slapped that dead bitch.
Mr.SoujiSeta chapter 21 . 9/19/2016
Update! Please update. I want more Edgey & Nick TT
Pretty please?! You have a great think going with this story :)
DeathByFandom13 chapter 15 . 5/11/2016
DeathByFandom13 chapter 13 . 5/11/2016
Is that a Death Note reference I see?
Aw yeah, my two major fandoms together!
Guest chapter 21 . 5/5/2015
cant handle
that was pretty awesome
this whole fic
so yeah
Catherine chapter 21 . 2/8/2015
Hi, I just saw that you havnt updated in year, I love this story, I wish the story isnt abandoned... anyhow, much love ! 3
HanaMisuzi chapter 21 . 6/25/2014
Wow. This is amazing...
ANarrativeCloud chapter 21 . 11/13/2013
Guest chapter 1 . 7/29/2012
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