Reviews for Deadpan Love |
Agent of the Divine One chapter 3 . 6/21/2007 Raven is right. The method isn't the best, but Beast Boy is doing well to keep things light. I just hope that they make it to the wedding without killing each other. :) |
BrotillaTheHun chapter 3 . 6/21/2007 Wow...AGAIN. It has been long and coming since I've been able to read a chapter of a story once and then suddenly feel compelled until the next chapter comes out to re-read the chapter again and again. This is some of the best dialogue, imagery and story idea I've ever seen! The whole bit with Cy looking into what could happen with BB and Raven and the whole IDEA of him being very adaptable is FANTASTIC. I loved the chat between BB and Raven both at the beginning and the end, they were very cute yet not overly mushy. The talk between Cy and Robin was hilarious as always especially when robin realized he'd have to go talk to Raven about it. The talk at the end between BB and Raven was just...special. It was so well thought out and every word and bit of dialogue was so right that I really am going to have to re-read this later...again and AGAIN until the next chapter. Please keep up the great work on this fic, and I hope that whenever you do finish this story, which I hope isn't for a while, that you keep on writing more TT fics and more BB/Raven moments like this! |
VeelaChic chapter 2 . 6/18/2007 It truley is...deadpanned love. My favorite parts are Cy and Robin. Although, if I were Beast Boy and Raven came up to me creepily in a dead pan, "Are you excited about our date?" I would run for my life and never look back...and keep in mind I'm a RaeBB fan. Other than that, the sarcasm has me in stitches! |
treeonice chapter 2 . 6/18/2007 AW! I love the ending! It was adorable in a monotone sort of way. |
spam29rice chapter 2 . 6/17/2007 Very VERY good, so good that I will change the V's to W' like in my most hated book, it is a Wery WERY good story so far. |
Aki and Akiko chapter 2 . 6/16/2007 Good story... I like your choice of words, most people just throw in common verbs and adjectives. Your good with the comedy too, you surround the topic instead of drowning it in an extremely vain attempt to be funny. I look forward to your next Chapter. Peace. :D |
Lusankya chapter 2 . 6/15/2007 So adorable! So fun! So... so... so good! I think this is one of the best BBxRae I have read. I really love to read it, I love the way you handle your story! I really like to see their relationship develop like this. I can't wait to read what happens next! Favorite part: "And we live with them. How do we do that and not loose it?" I was laughing so much :) |
Ravyn13 chapter 2 . 6/15/2007 Keeps getting better and better! As I scroll down, I keep wanting that little bar on the side to not be so close to the bottom! I need more! This is just so great! :) ~Rae |
Agent of the Divine One chapter 2 . 6/15/2007 Aw! It's so cute! I hope that their date goes well. :) |
SYStem-0 chapter 2 . 6/15/2007 AWESOME! You decided to continue the story! Keep up the deadpan fluffiness! btw- good job making the chars not ooc! keep it up! ;) |
The Magician Joseph chapter 2 . 6/15/2007 I have enjoyed the two chapters so far. Though they are typical fanservice, you do a much better job keeping in character and really capturing the atmosphere of the show. I noticed a few basic spelling errors. Not in this particular story necassarly, but as a writer you may be interested in trying different styles, expanding detail, use of metaphor. Keep writing. -Joe |
Kiome-Yasha chapter 2 . 6/15/2007 OMG they are so adorable that I just want to eat them up! I can't wait for their date! I'm getting excited how it will all turn out. It's also funny how the others are reacting to it. _ |
LOGEN chapter 2 . 6/15/2007 lol. i like the ending. more please. keep up the good work |
The Flying Frog chapter 2 . 6/15/2007 Wow...not only are they staying in character, I found out Beast Boy knows the word "irrelevant" Good job. Phenomenal work. |
IGAF-kun chapter 2 . 6/14/2007 Nice update. Keep up the good work. |