Reviews for Fugitives of Azkaban
wronglydreamer chapter 9 . 11/22/2024
Very nice closure! I enjoyed the whole story, thx for sharing!
wronglydreamer chapter 7 . 11/17/2024
This story is magnificient!
I love how every character is being portrayed and the way it is written is beautiful! The snippets from different characters or ambients flows nicely and gives a whole view of what is happening while keeping me wanting MORE MORE MORE.
I love this mature Ron and having Lupin and Padfoot on the school, both willing to cause mayhem? I loveeee it!
This last scene with Minerva smiling to herself… made me smile. I wonder how she felt when Lily and James (in my canon James was her fav student) died and what she thinks about Remus’ life from that point. It is sad when you look back and you realize there were better times and how lives can be affected by a single action… so I guess in this scene, seeing Remus kind of participating in life with the twins would make her feel really good about him… idk just musings
Anyway, I am loving this, thanks for writing (a decade ago jajaja) and sharing, I am enjoying this a lot 3
Abstract01 chapter 9 . 6/2/2024
Thank you, BajaB, for a well structured story; and that you limited it to the specified time frame.
Even seventeen years later, the story stands well alone. And it provides a springboard for many alternate continuations that could either align to canon or take off in different directions.
ScarfedWriter chapter 7 . 5/16/2024
Warning: Chapter spoilers

I don't really get why would Harry boi try to fight off the twins yo. I mean, they would have probably told others if he managed to escape, because why would an innocent boi escape like that. I mean, yes, he did got kidnapped, but we gotta understand their suspicion of Harry, the fact that he had infiltrated Hogwarts with Sirius Freaking Black, and that he was basically stalking them.
If he feared the twins snitching on him after he explained himself (yeah right, the twins snitching, now tell me about flying pigs) or slipping (again, yeah right), it would have been better than the alternative of whoever they told actively antagonizing Harry.

I dunno man, guess he was just that paranoid.
ScarfedWriter chapter 2 . 5/15/2024
HAHAHAAAAHAAAA! Mah boi duh Snivellus doing it EZ.
BarbedCaress chapter 9 . 4/11/2024
Not sure why you added the trixy thing at the end.
Seems like a set up for a sequel...
but I haven't found one.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/15/2024
loved the fic thanks
Sarcasm Dragon chapter 9 . 11/30/2023
This is one of the best Harry Potter fanfics of all. I think the only reason it doesn't have as many reviews or favorites as the "top" ones is low number of chapters.
Cool Guest chapter 9 . 8/4/2023
The crazy thing is that there was nothing wrong or paranoid with Harry's arguably extreme distrust and caution or the responses it prompted.

Fighting the Twins was right if only because two things, one he managed to win in a completely might is right fashion, and he was committed after he had chosen to not trust them to understand. The Best response the way I see it would have being if he had read the situation better he would have explained everything, convince them to keep his secret, and then have Remus Obliviate them anyway the way he did in the story to be absolutely safe.

Then Harry not trusting the ministry to exonerate him and his Godfather despite the likelihood is praiseworthy. A small chance of something unacceptable happening is still something worth going to extremes for.

In the end they did trust Dumbledore enough to keep their location a secret and to and additional wards to keep them safer, just not to be necessarily able to free them. Which was entirely reasonable.

We never found out whether Sirius killed Peter impulsively or by accident. Either way, when all was said and done that was the one thing that could have gone better had somebody used the time-turner to have better control over that messy situation.

This was a very good story, made me think a lot.

I wonder if the wrath of Voldemort came into contact with Riddle-Hart while he was minister. If not then that would mean Riddle-Hart was either unable or unwilling to find it.
Cool Guest chapter 6 . 8/2/2023
Hmmm... Is this the only time Albus Dumbledore is mentioned to be now the former head of the Wizengamot? I feel like something like that should have been brought to greater attention.

I also felt a better explanation for how Albus managed to use magic to sustain himself through a hazardous maze for literally days was in order. I can see him conjuring a bed and setting protection spells around it to sleep, but how did he eat?

Also note to never rely on mere cloth to handle truly dangerous substances or chemicals the way Hermione did here. Cloth is porous, any moisture it comes into contact gets absorbed and pass through. To safely handle toxins or pathogens you ideally would want to do it indirectly with some tool like pliers. At least use gloves made from materials like latex, nitrile, or plastic, and fill them up like water balloons before using to check for any holes. Occasionally even brand new gloves will come defective, and you probably won't want to take that chance.

All in all this chapter had the least development so far.
Cool Guest chapter 5 . 8/2/2023
Big questions, the plot thickens.

What did Severus find out from his research on the Chamber?

What Prophecy did Trelawney made?

Can't wait to find out!
Cool Guest chapter 3 . 8/1/2023
This is so good!

Every little bit feels important. It's such a gripping narrative, I'm so impressed.
not a fan chapter 1 . 6/22/2023
now seriously, typical stinking story where the bad guys win throughout the story until the last half chapter, where they are defeated but it is not said what happens to them... which makes the story suck... if you have read my last comment and you want to read the story it's your funeral, it's not worth it, there are hundreds of stories that follow the same pattern... bad guys win for 99.9% of the story and lose right at the end, but it's not said nothing more only that they have lost

if you like that kind of shit go ahead and read the shit
not a fan chapter 9 . 6/22/2023
worst impossible story, the bad guys win almost the entire story and when they lose nothing is mentioned about what happened to them...

snape illegally keeps the basilisk but no one complains
Lucius is only arrested (we all know that he will be free for lunch)
riddle has been struck down with a huge delay (and everything he has done while he was minister will continue to do so and will not be repealed obviously)
potter will end up forgiving everyone like the idiot that he is
Sirius surely won't end up free

This is how the shitty story of this shitty author who doesn't deserve to write shit will end...
not a fan chapter 7 . 6/22/2023
nonsense story, we can't stop seeing how he goes from one stupid situation to another... seriously half a chapter of battle between fred, george and harry? When a conversation would have been so much better and easier? I sincerely hope you never write again, it's tiring to see how you keep writing things that are not necessary for the story... just to fill out the chapters more... I've skipped almost all of this chapter... and surely the others remaining chapters are just as bad or worse
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