Reviews for A Twist of Chance
RatherFabulous chapter 10 . 2/22/2024
Well, it feels like I am creating a Necro thread, since the story is quite dead, but I thought I would let you know that I really enjoyed the scene where Naruto was going through the Hokage‘s office. Actually, there are a lot of funny bits that really amused me. I will have a look at the other things you’ve written.
abhishekbrotherhiii chapter 1 . 2/20/2024

My man really just want to add to the word count. Like first three chapters could have been just one chapter rather than streching it to hell and adding insignificant things. Especially since its the start of the story and the part which need to be made solid to make readers interested. But the thing you did by streching it makes me dont wanna read it anymore.
Illuminated chapter 15 . 1/28/2023
I enjoyed this story so much that I never wanted to stop in the middle to write my gushing reviews. It has been a long time since you added to it, so I won’t state the obvious wish that you would drop everything and come back to it. I’ll just hope that you are doing something else that you equally enjoy, and achieve the same level of skill in it.
I particularly appreciated the emotional depths of the first few chapters of Naruto’s encounter with Makoto, and the way that you fleshed out Naruto’s relationship with Sarutobi. You also have a great skill with writing comedy, particularly the rules at Ichiraku, the interactions with the fangirls, and the weird menace posed by Kakashi.
Thank you so much for writing this story up to this point, and be sure that I will read any continuation you ever produce.
gmhribrahimsoleh89 chapter 15 . 2/21/2022
I’m still not sure what’s the end game of this story and I want to find out. It nice to read that Naruto have a relatives to fill up the hole in his heart. Kuddos
jumping-jo chapter 15 . 9/6/2021
this is a cool story, love Naruto trying to convince the admin not to worship him
Guest chapter 15 . 7/7/2021
This is a very good and hilarious story that I would have loved to see finished and it is a dam shame that it hasn't happened.
Detsella Morningdew chapter 12 . 3/25/2021
I have no idea why authors seem to think that long chapters are a problem. Maybe for impatient random people on a fanfiction site, it's bad, but those people wouldn't like your more developed writing style anyway, so I still don't get the issue.

The only purpose of chapters in the first place is to give a larger scene break, to end a particular idea, and possibly set up the next one. If the larger idea does not finish with a shorter chapter, a longer one is needed. Otherwise you are sacrificing part of your story, which is never something you should do.

The only time you should be wondering at your chapter length is if your chapter length clues you in to an actual problem you accidentally made. Like if you start rambling, etc. But some ideas just take longer, and a longer than average length is perfectly fine.
Detsella Morningdew chapter 8 . 3/25/2021
I don't think I've laughed this hard at a story, ever.
Detsella Morningdew chapter 6 . 3/24/2021
Yeah, I don't know where you might have heard "a story gets easier the further you get in" because that is patently false, and is the exact opposite of true for almost anyone. The "marathon of the middle" is very real, and I hate it personally.

From a reader's perspective, this is still of a great quality, and I didn't notice anything wrong with this chapter.
Detsella Morningdew chapter 5 . 3/24/2021
I am extremely envious on how you are able to set a scene. You use *worldbuilding* to help you segue into *setting* which then is used to connect to a character's feelings.

None of it feels like anything a reader might want to skim over. At least one that isn't that sort of internet kind of impatient, and is used to only fanfiction pacing. It's good book pacing, and I love it.

Ten paragraphs before the actual scene starts, and I didn't even notice that was the case until the scene, you know, started.
Detsella Morningdew chapter 4 . 3/24/2021
I originally was trying to figure out when Arashi changed his name, then I realized what Chapter 367 actually was and then felt stupid.

No matter. The writing's good enough that I don't care.
Detsella Morningdew chapter 3 . 3/23/2021
Holy shit.

All right, I need to stop trusting story summaries. Either that or authors need to get better at writing them.

This is much, much more than just "Naruto meets some family and things happen." You wrote a scene that would not only be impactful in canon Naruto, but does so much more, I think you've improved upon it by making otherwise shallow characters feel more human. And you did so in a way not suited towards the visual medium, but towards the written word. (Though you might already have a lot of experience writing, so I don't know how impressive that last one is.)

This chapter might have been hard on you to write, but it was most certainly worth it. What you wrote here is the core of why I fell in love with Naruto in the first place.
JerHat chapter 11 . 3/15/2021
I just can't wrap my head around this. Sometimes it's great, even exceptional, other times it's just plain messed up and doesn't make sense.
EtheriousLogia chapter 15 . 2/26/2021
This story is certainly one of the best stories I have read. I love the long chapters along with the idea of Naruto being amazing at paperwork. Thanks for sharing your story. I jope one day you will regain the courage to write again.
Sue-Drae chapter 5 . 2/4/2020
I'm really enjoying the story thus far, but I needed to comment because one line in this chapterI got misogynistic so fresh y'wouldn't believe itwas really funny to me. I know that it can get crusty and gross when exposed to air, but since miso is a fermented product the "freshest" miso would have the most shallow flavor profile and probably be really difficult to pick out when there are other flavors in the mix.
That aside, I really enjoy your writing style and the humor you weave into each chapter, especially how it balances against the more serious events. I'm certainly kept on my toes!
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