Reviews for The Bird and The Worm
person chapter 12 . 7/13/2014
Oh come on update!
MissWorded chapter 12 . 4/9/2009
I've never read a story quite like yours - and giving the embarrassing amount of Naruto fanfiction that I've read, that's saying a lot. I hope you continue to write with or without an abundance of reviews, because this story is extremely engaging, and, dare I say, awesome, and it would be a shame to see it go.
sosoph chapter 12 . 1/1/2009
hey now, cheer up! this is a very interesting story. origional and well written. romance has never been my favorite part of a fic, but you manage to make it work. tone it down a bit, maybe, but this is still a good story. and I, for one, am thouroughly enjoying it. you can tell, 'cause I hardly ever review normally.
MrEmperor chapter 2 . 11/28/2008
Impressive. I like the temporal displacement. I'll be finishing this one.
werdnA chapter 12 . 9/16/2008
This is a fantastic story, a sci-fi of the highest calibre. I love how you mix a wonderful knowledge of just stuff, an incredible plot and an intriguing set of characters.

On to favourites it goes!
The High Demon Lord chapter 12 . 9/2/2008
I read it...

I just very rarely review anybody's stuff cause I can't think of what to put down.
silver-eyed chapter 12 . 8/5/2008
wow, that's quite a history, so humans have been alive for millinuems now huh? (that's millions of years, i think) so the people who came to the planet and sealed all the bijuu are like shinobi? haha, or not, just people who are intune with chakra. and i do like your story, don't give up, and that's the way it should be; you know, writing for yourself. keep it up! XD
GoldenRat chapter 12 . 8/2/2008
Huh... I like the Kyuubi's POV. Very interesting origins.
Missed Nin chapter 12 . 8/2/2008
Aw man there are like three chapters of this I haven't read! I suck for deleting alert emails instead of saving them to catch up on later... I also suck for not reviewing you :( Sorry.

(But then, I suck just as much for neglecting my poor little fic Interest. Still, at least I wrote me some DBZ. That story's been finished, now! Yay!)

Anyways, as for your writings... The name I now wondering about: are Kyuubi and his Bijuu compatriots the Birds preying on the insignificant little human race? The Hinata and Kyuubi thing suggests a different interpretation, seeing as the Hyuuga get associated with birds in the manga themselves.

I like the way you imply they're living in a colony on another planet but Earth does or did exist. Kyuubi talking about Oxford amused me :) Though, Hinata can't fall through "through the ceiling of the University," because there isn't one University in Oxford, there are like 40 colleges and lots more faculty buildings and the university is all these things collectively. Sorry for my geekery, but I come from there and have a part time job as a tour guide... XD

Well, I'm glad you're updating and sorry I neglected this story (exams are nasty things). I'll have to go back and reread this all some time that isn't unreasonably late at night; doing so sounds fun and interesting and I will look forward to it. See ya!

Missed Nin
ViktorMayrin chapter 12 . 8/2/2008
*crows victoriously*

Yes! I've been waiting and waiting, and you came through!

Glad you realized what writing is all about though. That's the killer, ain't it?

Anyway, I can't wait to see what comes next!
ViktorMayrin chapter 11 . 6/11/2008

Viktor Discovered "The Bird and the Worm".

Viktor is amazed.

Seriously though...

I am impressed. Here I was thinking that no one was capable of writing a decent, let alone amazing, Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk story such as yours, and BOOM.

You turned that theory on its ass.

Thank you.

And I love this, if you hadn't guessed that yet. Please, I hope for you to continue writing.
Sarimia chapter 10 . 5/10/2008
Yay, a chapter! After reading this, I realized how Hinata's point of view was perfect for journal entries. Her dad's got an important part in the goings on of Konoha, and she's sort of a 3rd person view of Naruto, Neji, and the Shinobi. It works well!

Who is The Arm? I'm guessing it's Jiraya or something...

Meh. Update soon!

dreamlifter chapter 10 . 5/7/2008
sort of an intermission to the next stage of the story, its cool to see the demon mark angle on hinata have consequences
silver-eyed chapter 9 . 3/29/2008
hm, that's an interesting development. so what now that naruto has decided to join them? well, gotta go, sorry for such an a short review. keep it up!
Missed Nin chapter 9 . 3/29/2008
Yay, you updated! Naruto's all rude, Hinata's all shy, Kakashi's admirably Kakashi-ish. I like Kakashi in this. Neji's Neji-like too, but that means I don't really like him much. Sasuke and Sakura have exactly the same romantic issues they do in the manga, but you don't let them waste time on them. Sasuke telling the harsh truth (last chapter, but I don't think I reviewed to mention it then) is really very incharacter and although I have to admit the callousness amuses me, I think such a frank admission might actually help them get over their respective issues.

Your ability to fit a whole lot of plot into one chapter is really impressive. Hehe. I didn't realise how much this all mirrored the manga until you mentioned it in the notes, but it's cool how it does. I like your decision to keep all the technical info brief, because the world comes very clearly across as sci-fi but there isn't so much intricate detail that it bogs the writing down. Ahh I wish I had your gift for brevity. But it is not to be; I witter and spend pages talking about thought processes.

Well done on getting your Part One finished, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

~MN (who's failing to write her own fic at the moment...)
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