Reviews for Naruto Arashiodori
TheGoodDoctor13 chapter 6 . 9/23/2024
There's a fully unleashed Shukaku fighting Gamabunta in the middle of the stadium (how do they even fit?) and not a single person has even thought to evacuate. Honestly it's mere plot convenience that no one died from Shukakus Air bullet spam alone
TheGoodDoctor13 chapter 2 . 9/23/2024
What's up with Naruto being such a coward in this. He didn't hesitate to beat gaaras ass in canon or even stand up to Orochimaru when Sasuke and Sakura couldn't even move. But here Sasuke loses to Gaara and Naruto is almost literally pissing himself in fear. That sucks so hard
Anton Vlasov chapter 4 . 8/27/2024
Жабы самый убогий призыв
Guest chapter 23 . 8/23/2024
Guest chapter 10 . 8/23/2024
For the first time in twelve years a biju rampaged through the village.

No one died.
Nightwing2013 chapter 22 . 8/23/2024
I have an issue with this character. The only sword remotely matching your description in the Seven is the kubikiribōchō, which is Zabuza’s.
guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2024
to Kyuubinokitsune1995…

WHOMP WHOMP. how about you attempt too?
Kyuubinokitsune1995 chapter 1 . 12/4/2023
To the one guest on here, bitching every chapter in the reviews, get a life they tried their best and don’t ever tell someone to kill themselves. A lot of us have been very close to that, and have been lucky to survive.
Kyuubinokitsune1995 chapter 60 . 12/4/2023
Just FYI, using the honorific dono implies, you’re on the same level so like between kages
AlastorEX616 chapter 1 . 11/3/2023
Great work making Naruto look as pathetic as possible
Kyuubinokitsune1995 chapter 21 . 11/1/2023
Sarutobis name is hiruzen
Kyuubinokitsune1995 chapter 6 . 10/29/2023
To be fair, technically Naruto is of age to drink old enough to kill old enough to drink. I think once you put on the headband, you were technically an adult in the Shinobi world.
PaleFeed chapter 3 . 8/7/2023
this is dumb
benzwc04 chapter 30 . 12/1/2022
Sarutobi's name is hiruzen.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/4/2022
dont write ever again. dont even think about writing. please end your life.
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