Reviews for Six Foot Of Ginger Idiot
theonlyoneleft chapter 1 . 7/19/2007
I absolutely LOVED this story.

It was great. Every aspect of it.

It was highly entertaining, it made me laugha nd want to yell at Ron. It was simply great. It was well written and there were no faults that I noticed. Or remember. I mean it was all so exciting and lively that it was impossible for me to keep in mind any defects. I don't really think it had any! Congratulations! This is now one of my favorite stories.

The Known and Unknown chapter 12 . 7/18/2007
Wow... that was absolutely amazing...
HorcruxFinder chapter 12 . 7/16/2007
That was a truely awesome story! It was probably the best fic I've ever read. It was well worth the hard work you put into it. I loved the ending(hated the cliff hanger, but I still loved it)! It sets up well for the Deathly Hallows. I can't believe that comes out in only 4 more days. Once again good job!
GGmadness2006 chapter 12 . 7/13/2007
This story was amzing i loved it your a great writer keep it up and post more fan fics i cant wait to see what happens for real with hermione and ron in the book there an amazing couple. i loved this story!
JC Roberts chapter 12 . 7/13/2007
Wow. You really put your heart and soul into this and it shows. Great details, lots of humor, terrific writing. I loved how worried Ron and Hermoine were that Harry would find them standing too close together on the Maurauder's map. Altogether, a great job.
Calliope Piper chapter 12 . 7/12/2007
I normally don't like diaries, and I usually hate things in first-person POV, but... WOW.

Your writing is phenomenal. Ron's emotions were SO clear and so *amazingly* written. And his transformation throughout the chapters was brilliant. The way you made him go from immature to almost adult-like in the last few entries was brilliantly done.

I spent the last few days obsessed with reading this fic. It was really, REALLY well-written.


*adds to favourites*
josahlin chapter 12 . 7/11/2007
Nice job! haha, your summary was pretty accurate with laughing and crying and wanting to shake him. yep, i definitely laughed a few times and i felt like i was going to cry at the end. i would love to know what happened, is there going to be a sequel? or... an epilogue? i did get a bit annoyed that it was ALL about girls. his mind really was NOT with harry, and i think ron had more loyalty than that actually. other than that, however, i thought you stayed really true to what we imagine ron's character to be... and it was all pretty realistic with his thoughts and actions. thanks for the fantastic read! :)
Alquimista chapter 1 . 7/11/2007
you are put this in in 2 days?

A lot of people only read the last 'inputs'. I think you would reload this... I dont know... un chapter / week, and a lot of new people would find this wonderful fic.
Alquimista chapter 2 . 7/11/2007
I must go to sleep... merde!...

I have read only the 2 first chaps. but your fic is really worderful... and I dont say this too often... (well... some authors hate me... I think sometimes Im too honest.)

yours characters are very well developed and the situations are very realistic and funny... honestly!

please, keep writting.
Emo Weasley chapter 11 . 7/9/2007
I've been reading this for hours. Its wonderful, really :]
TheDivaDivine chapter 7 . 7/9/2007
I meant to comment about this story before chapter 7 but I am lazy when it comes to reviewing each chapter. I love this story. I like how you develop Ron and how you develop both Hermione and Lavender. This is your best chapter yet. I love the situation between Crookshanks and how he visit Ron. I love what happen with the row between Hermione and Ron about her cat. Hermione's comment about Ron having her cat and everything else is brillant because you get to see her misery and the consequences for Ron's actions is doing to other people. I appreciate that this story is being told from Ron's point of view and you get a real insight as to why Ron's hesistant to act on his feelings for Hermione. My favorite part in this chapter is Ron's practice breakup conversations with Lavender. They were so funny I can actually see Warner Brothers using this seen in the Half-Blood prince movie. You done and excellent job on this story and I am looking forward to reading the rest.
philologique chapter 7 . 7/7/2007
OK, so I actually read this whole story nonstop last night, and by the time I was finished I was too tired to review. But wow! This is some really compelling writing from a perspective that for some reason most stories don't touch on.

I. Loved. This. Chapter. The subtle angst and constant comparison between Lavender and Hermione were so poignant and harrowing!

But this chapter completely broke my heart as I was reading it when Ron describes Hermione's reaction to him, looking frightened and like Ron might hurt her more, and his realising the extent of the damage done to their relationship. I couldn't help but cry, myself, after I read that.

And Crookshanks! That was so sad! So was his Christmas present for Hermione -Persuasion! It was quite plaintive and well-written. So was Lavender's complete ignorance and intolerance of the quirks about Ron that we readers and Hermione all grew up and fell in love with.

Also, it never struck me that Ron might have thought that Hermione was currently snogging Krum; I just figured he was getting carried away about something that he knew happened two years ago. But in many ways I prefer it this way; it's very Ron, jumping to completely illogical conclusions when they involve "Herm-oh-ninny" and "Vicky."

Ron's odd combination of ignorance and realisation made this chapter really fresh and powerful.

Anyway, thanks for this story and this chapter specifically; it was brilliant! I've run out of words for this review, and if I keep going on, my adjectives will turn into French.

One thing that did confuse me a bit in the story was that new paragraphs were not made for when different people were talking, except when it was done in script format. It made for large blocks of text at times, which could be hard on the eyes, though it is probably more realistic for diary format.
ThePinkSpider chapter 12 . 7/6/2007
I usually hate Ron/Hermione stories and I absolutely LOATH diary stories.

But somehow I loved yours, so - good job.
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