Reviews for A Life Rescued
vladorlovskyy chapter 54 . 12/15/2024
Thank you for writing it—it's wonderful. There are some downsides, but also many strengths and beautifully written scenes that I really enjoy. Thank you!
summer164 chapter 1 . 9/4/2024
Love this idea
Arkelius chapter 51 . 8/11/2024
Sense the long arm of bill burke? Seems like a wrong use of the phrase. Otherwise, i am totally loving your tale!
kanester187 chapter 1 . 3/14/2022
Knowing this is over forever, and I will never get to read as good of a story, you added so much depth to these characters I have to remind myself it’s not cannon when trying to make a point about one of the characters, I first started reading it when you were 8 chapters in, and finally finished it, not knowing you continued it, so thank you so much, that void in my heart has been filled, and this, this is my bridge to terabithia ending 33 thank you so much
Max Chessman chapter 54 . 4/20/2021
Je suis un lecteur francophone donc désolé si ce message est en français. Je voulais juste dire qu'il s'agit d'une des meilleures fanfictions que j'ai pu lire. Elle m'a fait ressentir beaucoup d'émotion et j'aurais aimé qu'elle ne se finisse jamais. Tout est incroyable. L'histoire, les personnages, l'ambiance, les messages moraux... tout ! J'ai même été présenté ce texte pendant un cours de littérature. Merci pour ces moment incroyable que cette fanfiction m'a offert.
Guest chapter 13 . 3/25/2021
I think instead of the ending I could be different like Jess and Leslie have a wedding and their life continues and they have a child who has that same life as Jess
Guest chapter 54 . 3/19/2021
Othe ending could have been better like they return to terabithia and get married there and have a child 7 mo this later
Levianeus chapter 26 . 3/3/2020
I have enjoyed the story so far, but there are some pretty big plotholes here and there as mentioned before. Jesse's height, Jesse's DID and it effects, and last but not least THE FREAKING NUCLEAR BOMB. How in hell did you just drop that plotpoint and then almost completely ignore it?! The ramifications of such an attack would be ENOURMOUS, the US government and its peoples in full panic and mass hysteria, not in the least the loss of so much people, prestige, and infrastructure damage not to mention the biological effects would devastate the nation. All in all, the story has been good but has plotholes.
Shagdoge chapter 47 . 2/26/2020
This level of death and trauma boarders on absurd.
en jaune chapter 54 . 2/19/2020
Jesus fuck you got me in the first half, not gonna lie.
What a rollercoaster. I feel like I've just experienced through my teenage life again, through another's eyes.
Child of Dreams chapter 21 . 1/24/2020
I don't understand.
There were seven Von-Trapp children, not six.
Why isn't Liesl mentioned?
Child of Dreams chapter 13 . 1/24/2020
Jackie Roller? Harold the Hairy Wizard?
Any relation to JK Rowling and the Harry Potter series?
Solyluna chapter 54 . 1/13/2020
ohh it was just wonderful ... i really enjoyed it ... thanks
Solyluna chapter 37 . 1/12/2020
oh something similar happened to me ... I knew I was going to die but I didn't know how ... I cried like crazy
Solyluna chapter 32 . 1/11/2020
you know I concentrate so much on reading that I forget to write and thank you i love your fic
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