Reviews for Forgive Us Our Debts
Guest chapter 1 . 3/19/2024
I love it!
Thank you so much for the beautiful story 3
Zoe chapter 1 . 1/8/2022
This is one of my favorite pieces of fan fiction, and I greatly enjoyed re-reading it today. Thank you for writing this.
Nichalia chapter 1 . 8/28/2018
Aaaaaaaaah! Also, 10 years, wow.
Readerjkr chapter 1 . 12/16/2016
I read this story years ago and it stayed with me, because of the unfairness to Snape in not paying a decent salary for his work. Work he is not free to choose. That's slavery. However, I'm afraid it is a probable sentence in the HP universe and your writing is very good, so I am happy I read it. Thank you for writing this story and showing consequences in this way.
Clarine chapter 1 . 3/20/2016
Cette histoire de Severus est douloureuse. Vous avez le talent de nous faire sentir la profondeur de sa solitude pendant 10 ans ! Et encore, je pense qu'elle n'est qu'à peine effleurée. Je n'imagine même pas comment cela pourrait être de vivre ainsi tout ce temps... Heureusement que la fin apporte une lueur d'espoir.
Merci pour le partage.
Nocturnus chapter 1 . 2/6/2016
I read this fic at the exchange a lot of years ago and love it. I'm very happy to find it again.
arlene56 chapter 1 . 5/22/2015
This is pretty sad. Very well-done though. Thanks for sharing.
Writtenaspr chapter 1 . 1/20/2015
Bravo bravo. Your terrible sarcasm is So Well Written
What a stinking fate Severus has. How midget- like, 5 inch- high, people act, when it is officially sanctioned, when nobody bothers ( dares) to find out what the real truth is, and when they all agree that there is no reason to treat a scapegoat with humanity, or any kind of dignity.
Aren't people just swell? Thank heavens this is fiction, - except for the fact that This is how '' decent folk'' actually allow themselves to act, if they think they have the leeway to do it.
Civilisation is a very, very thin veneer. Just ask the French or the Dutch, or Danish women who had to kiss German soldiers , because it was their job as prostitutes. - they lost all their hair, and were shunned, and their children... sad sigh.
God , my blood is boiling. 10 years! I am dearly hoping Hermione G., ( the so heroic lady.) showed a little public courage and stood up for him, and changed his wages via the court of law, partook of tea and crumpets with him, and bought his books back for him, one by one.
Thank you for giving us a very adult, truthful, unvarnished glimpse of a very childlike woman, and a very backward society - ours, alas. Well done.
Rosie chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
This is an amazing piece! Very well-written. To see Snape reduced to such a powerless position is really moving and I think its totally in character for Hermione to try to help him. Good job :)
Montara chapter 1 . 1/31/2014
It was so unfair the way they all treated him! Poor Severus! And he had to endure, the way he endured his whole unfair :(((

And it took Hermione so long for her to realize that they were treating him so badly! I bet she still has influence...she could try to clear his name and take away the shame and disgrace. What she did it was a good start but I hope she won't stop there!
Readerjkr chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
Brilliant, so much is told between the lines. Thanks for sharing.
JaneDoh0 chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
I can't believe I never reviewed this-every time I read it, I am blown away with how amazing it is. You convey extremely well the harshness of Snape's postwar life, but still manage a hopeful tone. If stubborn, hate-filled Hermione can change her opinion, than maybe Snape can live again after he fulfills his obligations to society. But still, what a sad and lonely existence to spend 10 years speaking only to the Malfoys outside of work obligations.
hpfanfictionreader chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
Oh my. This story is absolutely brilliant- I couldn't imagine any part of it being rewritten in a better manner. Great job, and please, do continue writing; this was excelent.
TBug chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
This was absolutely beautiful and I cried a little! I wish I could be there with Severus! :(
wallyflower chapter 1 . 5/7/2011
I remember reading this story at the exchange. I have it saved in my laptop, in a folder of cherished fics. I still find this story almost unbearably affecting every time I read it. I think you've done a wonderful job with the prompt. I think you've done an even more wonderful job of showing how forgiveness can really be earned, and that sometimes we should give it anyway whether or not it is earned. I felt so much for Snape that I cry every time, and I just want to tell you, however incoherently, how much I admire you and how much this story has meant to me.
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