Reviews for Occupational Hazard
S.K chapter 4 . 8/10/2013

I actually just watched The Bodyguard and love your take on it so far. I don't actually find Ino that bratty, but nonetheless, I like how you address her inner conflicts as well as Shikamaru's. I hope you come back this! Can't wait for more-the sexual tension is palpable!

Nebulous Paradigms chapter 4 . 9/27/2012
Extremely well-written so far. Got some ShikaIno lovin', ShikaIno drama, and ShikaIno tension. What's not to like? :) The overarching plotline - crazy stalker fan out to kill - isn't exactly uncommon, but writing it with Shikamaru and Ino makes it unique. This was a fun story, and I would love to read more. Please update.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/27/2012
Lovely depiction of Shikamaru's and Ino's choppy relationship, or lack thereof. I enjoy the tension between them; it's very much in character and it's obvious that both want each other but restrain because of their respective reasoning. I would truly love to read more; please update soon.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/27/2012
The plot thickens. I would hardly consider the obsessed-stalker-fan idea original, but you write well and the characters are (although technically Kishimoto's) yours in the sense that you control and portray them well. Love how guilty Ino felt about snapping at Shikamaru, as well as how well he seemed to take it.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/27/2012
Great characterization. The gradual pace is appreciated. I think I shall grow to love Ino, in time. The tension (in many aspects) is building up and it's quite fun to read.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Really great plot set-up so far. I very much like how you've got Shikamaru's character down to an art.
LucyInTheSkyWithDiamonds27 chapter 4 . 4/4/2012
Please update! This story is going great so far!
Rhiannon Rain chapter 4 . 3/11/2012
Omg, I loved the movie, and this is so cute ShikaxIno style! I absolutely love this fic, please continue it! Please? :D
NoOneAtHome chapter 4 . 1/6/2012
Wow! Whose the dude that's uttp get Ino? Will we see moreof Naruto or even Asuke or (even better both!)? Update soon! xD
korel.c chapter 4 . 5/28/2010
Beautiful, beautiful ShikaxIno.

...Just tromping through your writing now; you intrigued me...

and this was more than worth it.
ShikaIno1 chapter 4 . 10/20/2009
i loved it! loved the ending!
ShikaIno1 chapter 3 . 10/20/2009
i loved it!
ShikaIno1 chapter 2 . 10/20/2009
i loved it!
ShikaIno1 chapter 1 . 10/20/2009
i loved it!
Maviea chapter 4 . 1/1/2009
I love it please continue
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