Reviews for Eyes as Green as a Fresh Pickled Toad
Secret world chapter 3 . 7/5/2007
loved it cant wate ot read the next one
Kat44 chapter 24 . 7/4/2007
ahh I just updated myself and i'm way too tired to be doing I better be rewarded with fluff in the NEAR future? ;) the more chapters, the more reviews!

jlmoth chapter 24 . 7/4/2007
Sigh... I can't help but feel sad.

One more chapter.

One more...

This fic means so much to me...

Three years of reading, and its about to end.

I am shattered.

I spent the past week [on holidays] just playing lame internet games... waiting for something interesting to happen.

And i woke up this morning, and it happened. EYES UPDATE.

This chapter was awesome.

Yet horribly depressing. THE END IS APPROACHING. I cant handle it.

Its nice to see good old Australia getting a mention. HAHA! :D

Oh dear. im lost for words. I feel like anything i say about this chapter is confirming the end.

It was a fantastic chapter, and everything is starting to tie up... which is good...

Im nervous to know what happens in the last chapter... i dunno.

Argh... I DONT WANT IT TO END... *temper tantrum*

I dont know what to say.

You know i absolutely love this fic, and there is NEVER anything wrong with it...

Fantastic Chapter.

Fantastic Story.

Fantastic Writer.

Take care. and WRITE fast!

lizziee chapter 24 . 7/4/2007
oh gosh, i am so sad that this is almost over! really, i've been following this fic for so long, it's insane to think that it's about to end.

and i'm really happy you liked writing this chapter because i truly enjoyed it. things seem to be getting wrapped up. and it's sad to see it all end!
MaRaUdErLoVeR423 chapter 24 . 7/4/2007
That was great! You worked your charms once more with this amazing chapter! It's so, so, so freaking amazing! But only one more chapter and an epilogue :( that makes me sad... Keep up the good work!
Secret world chapter 1 . 7/4/2007
liked it
RainbowCrayon chapter 24 . 7/4/2007
I am really bad at writing long reviews but I will try my darndest to write one now. At the beginning of this chapter there was an A/N which said this chapter was not a cliffhanger. HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME! Okay so it's not as cliffhangery as the others like "She's dead!" "I'm pregnant!" and such but it still has many questions. Will Lily go to Australia? Will Sirius ever propose? Will Remus and Mimi make up? What does Lucifer's letter say? Why did Dumbledore suggest Austrailia? If one was to eat the pus on Mimi's leg what would it taste and smell like? Will Mimi find the cure? (Although in the sequel she finds it.) Why does this school place like Lily so much? Will they ever discover the legend of leekspin? Will Peter join the death eaters? Will Sophie return for her exams? and most importantly...WHO WILL WIN QUIDDITCH? But nonetheless despite the 12 questions that plague my mind I loved the chapter. It was so nice to have the answers to the questions that have haunted me for so long. Well not that long. For a while. Until I got distracted with leekspin and you know GCSE's. But did haunt for a while. Looking forward to the next chapter hoping my questions will be answered. Hoping this review is long enough. Yours readerinly.


look more space BWAHAHAHA so long

P.S HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY (lets ignore the fact I'm English and don't celebrate it. YAY!
WhateverGoes09 chapter 23 . 7/1/2007
since i'm finally reviewing...its been about two weeks now i think so i should soon be seeing an update...won't have to be waiting so terribly long after that awful cliffhanger.

i just have this feeling that Melody went and had sex (yes i said it the forbidden word) with James since Lily didn't finish the job, so to speak, but on the otherhand i can't see James doing that to Lily...i'm torn. but it would be a little early to know she was pregnant if she had just done it with James...and idk...I almost felt bad for James when Lily walked out on him...not to encourage teen sex or anything but that has got to make James feel unwanted and hurt. Lily didn't quite explain herself.

This may sound terrible but i had a dreadful urge to laugh when you wrote the part about Lin's head smacking the table. i can just see it in the back of my mind and i think it would be quite amusing if it weren't happening for such horrible reasons.

I thought Melody and Sirius's 'talk' was well written...if you can have a well written argument. I also can't see Sirius being serious (yes yes i know) enough to actually settle down and do it with melody either...maybe its just the way he acted in this chap, what with walrus teeth and everything.

i thought there was some plot developement (i'm always one to encourage) Lily and James are telling their story and have admitted there love to each other, Melody was finally truthful and open (in apparently more ways than one) with sirius. Mimi has a purpose. see lots of character moments!

Yea and i'm still gonna be stuck on that pregnant line til the next update (unless it takes so long of a time that i forget it again...who knows) (i can almost see melody cheating on sirius and having malfoys baby or something...but maybe i'm getting a little too out there now)

always waiting for the update!

Guest chapter 1 . 6/30/2007
Its an okay story. I always thought the Lilly was on Ravenclaw.
Ginny-Harry-2gether-4ever chapter 22 . 6/29/2007
i think your story is positively, extensively, scrumptous... it's possitively exciting to read when i have the time... mind you this is extensively long albeit... its worth the time.

I dear say i love this sirius... no more than J/k's but her she gave birth to him we have to give her most of the credit right.

Yes so well you really should be typing instead of reading long Stradusts! sheesh... he/she writes alot!

wel ur doing gr8 continue!
Amisara chapter 22 . 6/25/2007
oh dear you are insane-but your story is funny! i love it. sirius is lovable but insane as always. last but not least how do you know what getting hit in the face with a warm piece of pie feels like?
kittiegoddess chapter 23 . 6/25/2007
OMG! i am simply in love with this fic! in love! please update soon!. i must say i admire u cuz you've been writing this for so long. i can honmestly say this is one of the best fics ive ever read on fanfiction. good job!
Malice P chapter 23 . 6/24/2007
I love it! I really like to hear all of the awesome stuff Lily and James did in the past, and it was good to let them tell the others about part of it and let us be with them there during part of it. And poor Melody and poor Sophie. I hope they'll be ok at the end of this story. I can't really imagine Sirius as a father at this point, I wonder what he'll say...? Anyway, that's about it. Looking forward to the next chapter. Two weeks, gosh! :) But don't post it untill you're happy with it - we can wait. Have a good summer and a good time reading book 7!/ Eriskay
MaRaUdErLoVeR423 chapter 23 . 6/20/2007
AH! I loved it! I've been waiting for you to update FOREVER! I love where Sirius and Melody's relationship is going. James and Lily are A-dorable. And Mimi is so sweet! Update soon! Can't wait!
Stardust3 ANNOYED WAUG.2nd chapter 23 . 6/20/2007
Ah-humpf. I started reading this chapter right after you posted it; and I was very eager about the whole thing, as you can imagine because you FINALLY finished this chapter after I’d been telling you to get on with it for so many weeks and you kept starting to work on it and then doing ridiculous things like sleeping—as if that’s more important than fanfiction. And so anyway, I read maybe the first fourth of it and some where in the middle of the first Flamel scene I had to quit because, one, I had to go somewhere…I think it was to watch Harry Potter I or maybe it was to go to dinner and then see the movie with you…I can’t remember which, and two, because I was reading it on the computer downstairs with the tv and various family members blaring away distractingly (hence why I didn’t start reviewing right away). So then the next time I started reading I started writing a review because I was already annoyed that I had read so much without reviewing because I always have thoughts about certain things, usually very specific things and phrases, and I want to comment. But, since I wasn’t reviewing as I went along I had forgotten everything that I wanted to say. So, I explained all this in the review but then I had to go eat dinner and other things and anyway the next time I came back to the computer (today) it had been turned off and whatever I had been writing in the review was lost. And so, I, AGAIN have forgotten what I was saying. And at that point I was in a rush so I just finished Eyes and NEVER wrote a review as I was reading. For that, I deeply apologize.

But, one thing that I do remember that I wanted to say was to comment on the time travel scenes in this chapter, most particularly the very first scene where Lily and James spent roughly half a page discussing the enormity of Gryffindor Castle. While this was very lovely and completely in character and all that I just wanted to point out that as a classic example of the length of the story and the reason why nothing ever seems to happen. It was brilliantly hilarious and it certainly got the point across and it had a definite flare for reality considering many of the conversations that we generally have, but, I’m just saying (not criticizing because you couldn’t and certainly shouldn’t) that is why.

Also, this chapter, though you say nothing happened, really did move with alarming clarity and speed for you. Granted, many of the scenes were full of the usual nonsense, but most of them provided a clear bridge from one to the other and moved along the plot. I mean, hey, they progressed from talking about going into the past to going into the past and then going back to school and then talking about going into the past. That’s pretty major.

Also, Melody and Sirius had some movement—FINALLY—with their situation. Not that it is really going to help/make a difference for them. And then, of course, the physical relationships suddenly became real.

On that note I was thinking as I read it how suddenly it seemed to crop up (because you always had the scenes and plot points planned) but really that’s not true. Or, rather, it is SORT OF true but that’s how it happens in real life. And furthermore, and what I was really thinking about all of this, is how much reading these scenes make me think of Shrek.

First of all, it’s hard not to remember the fated conversation during the original viewing of Shrek II and then, of course, now there are the endearing scenes in Shrek I where Shrek has nightmares about babies. And then, of course, after I had a laugh to myself about all the millions of baby ogre scenes and the puking scene and Shrek, in general, freaking out, I then had a sudden thought about making babies and needing mood music and, of course, at that point with the vision of Merlin in my mind I lost it out loud and had to take a break. I’m thinking by now you might be laughing too.

At any rate, sorry I can’t be more communicative about this chapter and content and writing and blah de blah but I already explained the whole reading and reviewing thing, and anyway, you’re already fifteen pages into the next chapter so just get on with that and I’ll try to be better about that one.


PS Thank God for cut and paste because in order to be safe about things and avoid losing an entire review I copy and paste a copy of the review before submitting it. Why am I telling you this? I have no idea so I think I'll stop now.
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