Reviews for Eyes as Green as a Fresh Pickled Toad
katdance666 chapter 22 . 6/11/2007
wow. that's so intense. how do you come up with this stuff?

fantastic, as usual!
unknown chapter 20 . 6/7/2007
Oh my jez! You killed her! Why would you *do* that? Okay, I can see that she's probably gonna come back, but really! Yeesh. Sorry, I'm done ranting now and will move on to chapter 21.
Haley chapter 8 . 6/5/2007
This is one of the best stories i have read. I Luv it:) And wasn't arabella fig a squib
I.Pop.Rocks chapter 22 . 5/22/2007
YES! I AM FINALLY CAUGH UP! HAHA! i LOBve this please update soon!
L chapter 2 . 5/21/2007
hey! I just began reading your fanfiction, and I am so pleased that I've found it! It's really amusing and for the most part, well written. I love your characters and enjoy the originality you've included in it, you know, not sticking straight to the book to the few tips Jo gave us about the Marauders and Lily.

Great Job! I can't wait to keep reading.

I.Pop.Rocks chapter 17 . 5/17/2007


i still like it, but it took me lke 30 minutes to get through this! You write LONG chapters!
I.Pop.Rocks chapter 15 . 5/16/2007
i still like this story loads!


nope, i didn't like this chapter very much, at least not as much as teh others, but that may be because I...

I dunno

Well i think this is awesome adn yay sirius's parents are nice and i like that so yeah...


i really have to sleep now, or else i'll... be ... tired. Yeah that makes loads of sense, being tired after going to sleep late... actually that does make sense,


I think i'll stop talkng about me and my sleeping habits... right... ok


I.Pop.Rocks chapter 13 . 5/16/2007
mwhahaaha im going to fail outa school! yipee!

I loved this chapter, 'specially the Monsuier dude. Yeah...


I.Pop.Rocks chapter 12 . 5/16/2007

i dunno if that's how you spell it but what eva


I only just started reading this story, and I really like it, and i would read more, but i have finals next week adn have to study! So I just thought I'd tell you how much I liked this!


I would say update soon, but I can just click the next button and do horrid on exams...


as if clocks did not exist chapter 3 . 5/5/2007
a am simply loving this story even mor every chapter! i adore it! the snowball fight was hilarious and i loved the romance and the drama. " will you be my bestest fwiend?" you're my fave author!

rock on, girlfriend!

as if clocks did not exist chapter 2 . 5/5/2007
i LOVE this story! it kicks major ass! i love the characters, the 'box incedent' (it's hilarious!), the romance, and i especially the chapter length! i love it all! so, so much! way to go!

rock on, girlfriend!

STA chapter 22 . 5/1/2007
FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER! *does happy dance* YAY! i am SO excited! like you have no idea! it was great! i loved it! please don't take so ling to update next time thoug, the wait this time was WAY to long! excelent job, very good, update ASAP!
wicked.witchy.princess chapter 1 . 4/21/2007
Quite an amusing start ) However, I found a few errors, although in your author's note you did claim that this story was not going to be "entirely realistic" so I won't mention them. There were a few grammar mistakes, but nothing too terribly obvious or awful. I really liked all the playful banter between the characters. It's really fun to read
TOFTS chapter 22 . 4/19/2007
it was so nice when it was just lily and james trying to get together and there was no difficult plot to follow and much simpler.
LOVEHPEVERYTHING chapter 22 . 4/11/2007
Your updates are quite bittersweet, because it brings me happiness and makes me want you to update sooner. This story is still amazing as ever, and long. Which is GREAT thing. I love it. Please continue.
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