Reviews for Eyes as Green as a Fresh Pickled Toad
EvaLilly.S chapter 20 . 10/11/2010


the whole thing with lily dying, and the lin thing! INCREDIBLE!

you just won me over completely and utterly!
EvaLilly.S chapter 15 . 10/7/2010
I'm really enjoying this story, which i cannot stop reading it even though I'm meant to be studing, but hey.

Just a few comments:

Who on earth is this Windkey fellow? I keep stumbling across his name- is he Lily's music teacher? If so, why haven't I met him?

Naomi Watts? Really? hahahahaha

I would've liked to see Melody's reaction or reflection on not getting into the Auror thingo- I really wanted her and sirius to get in together!

I love Melody as a character, she seems really complex and I love how you write her. Just one thing- Isn't she going to feel guilty about using Sirius for his money, especially seeing as she really didn't want to accept her friends' money? Maybe it will come up later.

Also, in reference to your last chapter, you really are too hard on yourself. Ok, I found Mrs Potter's history lesson a bit of a bore, but I really REALLY liked the whole Sirius and Melody yelling scene, it was just... perfect.

And a gold star and cookies for keeping Wendy and Lin in- they are really interesting side characters.

A bonus cookie for making Peter and actual character in this fic, so good to see someone actually including and exploring his character in a Marauder Fic!

Now, onward to Chapter 16!
Eva.S chapter 10 . 10/5/2010
Before i start raving about your awesomeness, i feel that i have to apologise for waiting until chapter 10 to review. But to be honest, I didn't really intend to review until the end, when I would have time to write a massive thanking ball of loveliness without sacrificing valuable reading time. But unfortunately this chapter was far too mind blowing for me not to respond, so here goes:

My heart literally stood still when I realised that it was lin and wendy leaving the hall. It didn't really click until you mentioned Lily following. Usually I pick up on stuff like that, so it really caught me of guard.

How do I explain it? You know when you were reading the Deathly Hallows and you realise Collin Creevey is dead? Or Remus or Tonks? Those deaths that you really did not see coming at all. Well yeah it was like that, positively gut wrenching- and tremendously well written.

I like that you set up those two characters early on as well, rather than just quickly bringing them in when needed. It gave me a chance to connect with them and made the impact so much more real, I wonder If I'll see more of them later?

I loved Lily getting stuck and the bag and commentating- You have really given life to her character!

Looking forward to reading the rest of your fic, and hopefully some more Sirius/melody action!
hockadaisy chapter 26 . 9/2/2010
hey! u r amazing! so gripping, but now its late and i have been procrastinating for a week (english) so g2g! you are amazing! keep writing! i'm sorry its ending! I'll be looking for your books at barns and noble or whatevs!
acciolove-x chapter 25 . 8/29/2010
I started reading this story about a month ago, and I must admit, I cried a few times in this chapter - its like...the end! I really loved this, though, its one of the best Lily/James fics I've read, and, well, lets just say I've read more than a few!
Aspen chapter 26 . 8/23/2010
I've read this over and over and over, and its soooooo amazing. You should publish something. It would be FANTASTIC!
acciolove-x chapter 21 . 7/27/2010
Ohhhh I was so exited when Lily told James she loves him! I actuallt squealed! And this chapter isn't useless; it's actually one of my favourites!
avalonchick5 chapter 26 . 6/29/2010

This was a completely amazing story! It took me about 2 days to read it and I absolutely loved it.

Constructive rambled a bit in parts and there were sections that I wanted to kill everybody cause they were being so stupid, but overall there's not much I can criticize. This was an amazing story and it was a pleasure reading it.

Lots of Love, and good luck with publishing future writing,

AVchick5 3
ELPHIESchihuahua chapter 26 . 6/11/2010
Hey Sierra :-)

I realize it's been forever, since you dated this 2008 at the bottom and it is currently about 1:30 pm on Friday, June 11, 2010, and also because I started reading Eyes in 8th grade and now have just finished my first year of college, but like you said, never too late! (Yay run-ons!) Anyway, I have no idea if you'll ever read this review because you probably thought that once you finished writing Eyes two years ago it was over and all that, but I'm going to write it in any case :-) Partially for old times' sake (which is also the reason I brought back my super old sn so you would know who I was), partially because I'm bored out of my mind in this suburb, but mostly because your writing was fantastic and hilarious and it always made me laugh or giggle or chuckle or smile or smirk AND happy :-)

I don't know how many helpful writing tips I have for you, but ah well. Can't have it all. Over the, oh I don't know, dozen or so times I went back to the beginning to re-read so I could attempt to have a coherent train of thought as I tried to finish the whole story haha, I found that eventually I kept skipping the paragraphs and Dark stuff and plot and generally all that important stuff so I could get to the Lily/James parts and all the goofiness and mushiness that made me love this story so much. (Also, what do you think about writing a book or short story or something that was completely just you writing nothing? You're fantastic at it; those were my favorite parts. I mean I'm sure there would have to be an actual point to the book...or maybe not... I don't know but I think that could be fairly awesome. If you want a co-writer on it, let me know ;) )

THANK YOU for the summaries at the bottom of what happens to everybody. That's always the worst part of books for me, not knowing what happened after the end. I mean I guess it's sort of bittersweet because then I can daydream and imagine and concoct the lives I think or want the characters to have, but actually that takes far too much time away from whatever semi-important busywork like Calc II or cleaning my room or dance lessons I have on my to-do list. Anyway, I thought it was great and illuminating and I was very very happy that there was more to read after the dreaded "A/N:" marking that meant the chapter (and in this case, fanfic) was over.

Some of my favorite parts:

-Sirius and his potato. HAHAHAHA lovvve

-Lily and James... I guess this could be basically the whole story so let me try to pick out a few moments: the ink bottle spill, the pumpkin juice dumping, the kisses, the slaps, the better kisses, the rooftop conversations (a princess with a big poofy pink dress and a hat), the sweetness, the goofiness... lol did that help at all? Also let me just say that this last time I re-read it, it struck me how long the two of them flirted around getting to that official relationship, and that - at least in my mind - they both (well, especially Lily, since I relate to her a little more than James seeing as how I am not a member of the male species) deserve major kudos for that. I apparently have no stamina for that sort of thing; it drives me crazy. Probably why everything's been so short term and its not unheard of for me to freak out after the first kiss or second date... sigh. Maybe this is why I love Eyes so much. Everything just works and people get to be happy :-) Speaking of, along the lines of major kudos I believe some more are deserved by...

-Melody and Sirius! Another feat I have not quite managed to wrap my brain around, coming back after the relationship seems blown to smithereens and admitting and saying (out loud! to the other person!) AND actually getting a second chance! Oh, and of course this was another couple that danced around for ages, so kudos for that too.

-Rachel standing up to Lucy. You go, girl!

-Melody's dress robes. They're like that moment in Princess Diaries 2 when she opens the closet and all the girls in the movie theater go "Ooooh!"

-Ethan. I know, I know, it makes no sense, but... no, scratch that. I don't know. He was just so adorable, plus come on, who doesn't want to find summer lovin' or just someone to flirt with at your summer job? Albeit he was nowhere near James' levels of adorable. This is just fact.

-Paolo. And his family. Great additions :-) And how convenient that they lived right next to Molly? *sings* "It's a small world after all..."

-"Eleven" year old Lily and James

-I know I've quoted this conversation before, mostly because I re-read a response to a review that cannot be referring to anything else, but I'm going to quote it again because it was just fantastic (or semi-quote it seeing as how I'm too lazy to go back and get it word for word): "What are you doing?" * "What are YOU doing?" * "I asked first" * "I asked second" * "What does that have to do with anything?" * "I don't know, you're the one who started mentioning order!"

HAHAHAHAHAHA. I have been trying to recreate this conversation (or just get to a point where I could use that retort) for yeears in my actual life, and I haven't gotten the chance yet! Someday. It will happen.

-tons and tons more, I'm sure :-)

So reflections? Hmm... well, I think I've sung my praises for James (or a James-like boy in real life) by this point, but it's quite a catchy tune so I think I'll sing a little bit more. Oh Jamesie-poo, oh Jamesie-poo...

As for your writing, I thoroughly and completely enjoyed it. I tended to start thinking in your writing style when I read for a particularly lengthy amount of time, or just a particularly mind-catching scene. Thank you so, so much; you truly have a gift :-)

I hope all goes well with you and your "official" writing in your real life. Thank you for all these years of enjoyment, all those great lines, and of coures, your wonderful thank you sections.

To borrow a word, Cheers!

PS: I now have a Microsoft Word document entitled "Eyes Quotes" in which I copy/pasted hopefully all of my favorites. Just thought you'd like to know :)
DeletedAccount30062015 chapter 5 . 3/31/2010
love it )
Shocked. Simply and Utterly chapter 26 . 1/15/2010
For all that you claim your story isn't, it really is. I began reading after the story was completed, but it still took me months to get through it. It really addressed some interesting parts of all relationships. I cried more than a few times when I was reading this (and that's a good thing - stories that make me cry are usually pretty amazing). I hope you continue writing, and when you get something published, let us know.
dolphinpotter7 chapter 1 . 1/9/2010
this is amazing! not like the other storys about Lily and James ive read. most of the storys are just flicks with no purpose but this one kept me hooked the whole time, keep writing! Also, my name is Lily - how cool is that?
harrypotterohyeah chapter 25 . 12/25/2009
the end! how sad... but a great story! :)
harrypotterohyeah chapter 16 . 12/25/2009
Loved this chapter! he finally asked her officially to be his girlfriend! :)
harrypotterohyeah chapter 15 . 12/25/2009
yaay. he just needs to ask her out now
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