Reviews for Eyes as Green as a Fresh Pickled Toad
harrypotterohyeah chapter 14 . 12/25/2009
i'm ready for them to be official couple! :) good chapter
harrypotterohyeah chapter 13 . 12/24/2009
love it! it takes so long to read a chapter! maybe i'll finish it in 2 more days! merry christmas!
harrypotterohyeah chapter 3 . 12/24/2009
long chapters! thats great :)
harrypotterohyeah chapter 2 . 12/24/2009
love it!
Randomadness chapter 26 . 8/21/2009
Hi! This is my first review to this story. Which is synonymous with the fact that you get to hang me by my ankles from Buckingham Palace right about now. But anyways, maybe I'll make up for it with a lengthy review. First of all, I LOVED the fluff. Oh, alright, I'll admit it: I always love fluff. So that's not really worth mentioning. (The fact that I'm, yet again, loving fluff, I mean.) In addition, there was great plot, regardless of anything you have to say, missy! Okay, maybe I wanted Melody and Sirius to have a less bumpy relationship, and get happily hitched after Hogwarts, but alas, I'm an idealist. Also a sap and a romantic and a lover of happy endings. Kinda makes me wonder when I'm gonna accept the fact that the world doesn't always work that way, and sometimes drama and trauma and another helping of melo-drama are what help make the story fantabulous and engaging. But I digress. This story had the best fluff and the worst drama (in the best, most nail-biting but totally against my sappy nature way) that I've ever read in an L x J. And did I mention the fluff? You can never have enuff! SO don't EVER hesitate to write more. I will be a very happy camper... And maybe you can give me tips!

Cheers and Huggles,

rm :)
harry potter chapter 26 . 7/31/2009
best fanfic i ever read. your the one that got me hooked on fanfiction. thank you
Julia chapter 26 . 7/9/2009
Hey Sierra Charm

'Eyes' is SO good, like actually. I started reading it from a recommendation of a friend who is really picky in FF, so thats a compliment in itself, but truly 'Eyes' is amazing. I really hope you do go on to become an author because if your works are nearly as good as 'Eyes' then I think they will succeed (or I definitely hope so because I love your writing!) I wish you well in your pursuits of non-Fan-Fiction related works but sincerely wish that you had written more! Lol your story kept me up late for quite a few nights reading till like 4, slow reader that I am and I really, really liked it :)

Off to read 'A Lily Story' now coz im so addicted :)


Jess-cat18 chapter 26 . 7/2/2009
this story is really amazing, i love the comments youve left at the bottom, some of them really made me laugh :)

i was just wondering if you have any more storys, and where can i find them

.. im kinda new to fanFiction so if you could email me any websites that would be great! :)

my emails .uk

thanks again. x
RainbowCrystal chapter 1 . 6/1/2009
I'm in love with your story already! It's entertaining and well-written, AND it has decent sized chapters! Yay! You have no idea how long I've been looking for a fic like this :) I'll definitely keep reading.
Frostwriter chapter 8 . 5/24/2009
I don't usually write reviews, but I felt like I had to this time. The owl exchange was pure brilliance, and the end had me laughing for a long time. Excellent!
Vampires and Penguins chapter 1 . 5/22/2009
OhMyGod I love this fanfic!

I've oly got time to read chapter 1, but I'll favourite it and read it later! I can't wait!:))

Hopefully the rest of the chapters are as good!:))

mervab chapter 3 . 3/19/2009
:D I love how this chapter ended on a slap. Wonderful, per usual.
mervab chapter 2 . 3/16/2009
A box. :D Ingenious. And I like how James told Lily about his dad; very nice way in showing them growing closer.
mervab chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
This ends so wonderfully :) This has to be my third time reading this, and it never gets old...
dazlindz chapter 26 . 1/29/2009
Sierra Charm,

I, too, have been around the HP fandom since 20-ish and let me just say that I am amazed you stuck around long enough to finish your fic. Good job! I've really fallen out of reading fanfics these last few years, so it's taken me a year to realize you were finally done, but anyway - well done. Remarkable. And happy graduation.
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