Reviews for Gravity
Life is Truely Great chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
I really enjoyed this story. Draco's quirks are very entertaining and definately give you something to think about. Draco and Hermione's relationship will be very interesting to say the least.
drcjsnider chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
Oh this is just lovely. I really do like it so much. Is this going to be another novel length fic? This Draco is just so complex and interesting. I can't wait to see more of his relationships with Ron and Harry and especially Hermione develop.
perfect.manhattan chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
I absolutely love this! Especially the part where Hermione figures out the order of the books. You have such a great talent and I can't wait to see what you come up with next )

BlueIrishEyes chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
This is a really wonderful start to what promises to be yet another great fic from you. I love that you've written Draco differently, but still believably, in that he's detached and indecisive and quirky. Hermione is the perfect compliment to him - determined, strong, decisive, emotional. This contrast is going to make this story great, especially as you weave in their similarities too. I look forward to the next chapter!

waffenmac chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
Oh my this one is another keeper,Im just sad that you have 2 great stories going and I know updates will be slow ,but seeing that you are my favorite writer on this lovely site ill just have to be patient.

Satannpink chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
YEAH! i as so happy to see you updated, and it was definatly worth the wait, YAY! sorry...i am a little excited, now though, i dont think i can stand waiting that much longer for another update...i mean...i loved it. The constellation painting, uh! i hope he listens to the running commentary because, well, they are perfct for each other...i cant wait for the next update, keep up the good work!
Suni-Dlight chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
I really really like your take on the story. It's very interesting. And the whole Hermione painting sounds really nice too. I like the story. Keep up the good work.
scooterrg chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
Loved it! Beautiful work, I always enjoy reading your Draco, his changes always seem a little more realistic than most I've read. Keep up the good work!
silverlovedragoness chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
Wow, i'm amazed at your skill! this was a great chapter! and i'm thorough excited to see where this story goes. this is unlike anything, and i mean ANYTHING i've ever read and its truly intriguing. i've said it before, (for kingdom lost) you're gifted, and i like your style. i'll definitely be checking out your other stories

luv ya


ps-i'd be very grateful if you would check out my stories also, and give me some good criticism. thanks! ;D
sodabug chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
On the eve of Deathly Hallows forever changing the Potterverse, I really want to thank you for deciding to post this. I'm such a fan of your previous stories and this one looks to be following in the same splendid pedigree as the rest of them! I'm not ready to give up on Draco's redemption just yet and your story has given me hope! This is one spanking good opening chapter- just the right amount of backstory and mindset so that we can begin investing into these characters that you endow with the best tics and quirks. I've read my fair share of fanfiction over the years and never have I seen the use of A BOOK ARRANGING SYSTEM to kick off a Dramione. Well done!

Beautiful imagery (I can see his house in my mind's eye) and a solid characterisation of Ron and Harry's loyalty to anyone they consider friend. Thank you for making Ron likeable! This had better be a long one because I'm telling you right now- you have this reader aboard for the long run. You've fast become one of favourite authors! Keep it up, I'm looking forward to reading (and reviewing) much more.
Tzaryana chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
It's brilliant. I like it - very much. Especially the patterns by which the books are organized. It's something between just the two of them. Unique.


Counter-Strike chapter 2 . 7/19/2007
Oh. This is good - really good! It's helping me keep calm from all the overexcitement of DH... thanks for posting it!

But that said, I'm still rather interested in this on its own; not just something that's going to keep me calm. It's probably tedious of me to ask this, but hell - please update soon!
drcjsnider chapter 1 . 7/19/2007
Great writing as always... but I think you got a thing for the sea.
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