Reviews for How To Make A Really Bad Dragon Ball Z Fanfic
Starlight KittyKat chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
Hell Yeah i Hate ot when people do that
JhCh chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
It's all so true! xDD I love it :D
Maggiechan3 chapter 1 . 3/6/2013
This ff was written more than 10 years ago and it still sounds relevant. I agree with most of your points and it actually might help young writers to improve their skills. However there are some points I dont agree with, because I think they are more based on peoples personal taste, age, gender and overall views on life, more than the quality of the story itself. It doesnt mean the story is bad or poorly written just because the writer doesnt share my same views.

For instance step six - Lemons. I, for one, dont mind them. I am over 18 and actually enjoy reading the ideas some writers can come up with in an alternate universe context. Tempestt being my favourite writer in this area. Other people get offended, and thats their right. However, it doesnt mean a story with a heavy dosis of lemon is bad. Just to mention a few, Lab Monkey, Chains and Shackles... B/V Classics with intricate plots of romance.

Step Two: Add on an author's note - Whats wrong with A/N?. I read them first before I read the story. It gives me an idea of the kind of story Im going to invest the next minutes of my life in. In my case I look for stories written by more mature writers because I expect dark, complex characters (again, my personal taste). Also the A/N gives an opportunity to interact with the writer, get some feedback over this person and in some cases encourage them if they are having a writers block.

As for the reviews, most people only review stories they have actually read and nobody in their right mind will read something they dont like. So, its only natural the reviews are made by people who are in love with the story and therefore want to praise the author. Why would I read something I dont like just to leave a nasty review?. There are over 40,000 in FF net to choose from.

Overall you hit a nerve with readers and writers and I congratulate you on your story and its cleverness (Hope you dont get offended by me praising you)
Night-Waker chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
The OOC part was too funny! XD

Judging from some of the reviews I've read, people need to really start paying more attention to this.
kms chapter 1 . 2/26/2013
Haha! Love it! Mostly because it's all so true. I wrote my own awful cliché B/V fanfic years ago and can only cringe while re-reading it nowadays. Surprisingly though, the reviews all seemed to think it was fantastic (much better than all that other crap I wrote that is semi original and/or salvageable). Weird, weird world we live in.
SCeles chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
I think A/N's are fine as well as describing the heiress as beautiful as she was created as such. Note it's also a bit ironic that you did the same thing in your fanfic so I'm not sure if you are intending to go back and edit that.

To me as funny as this was, some writers may get the wrong idea.

I always think people should stay constructive in their critique rather than lambasting those who get 300 favs which is what I feel this was.

Though I do not adore every single one that has reached past 300, there are reasons why they are well loved and we can find the merit rather than discrediting them completely and totally.
Abyssal Angel chapter 1 . 2/12/2013
That was hilarious! And the only thing that makes it better is that I've only just started checking out DBZ fanfics, and so far, ALL OF THEM have been like this in some degree or another! I've seen a larger percentage of higher quality fiction over in the Naruto and Harry Potter section so far, but even they have stories that follow this guideline pretty closely. Considering you went out of your way to post this, I'm going to check out your favorite stories list in the hopes that I'll find good DBZ fics that aren't completely horrible.
LeChick chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
Best. Lemon. EVER.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
"Wow, that language is sure confusing, why is the author making us say this? Isn't this fanfic in English? And since the series is in Japanese normally, shouldn't the whole fanfic be either in Japanese or English and not some half-assed combination of both?"

"You know, Bulma, you're absolutely right. But these authors seem to think that words like 'baka' and 'onna' are supposed to impress readers, or make their fanfic sound more Japanese."


I love you and will do things to express such.
InstantMuffins chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
Oh my god this was hilarious. Everything is so true, and not just for DBZ. I hate when people mix in Japanese in an English fic. Please, just... Don't D: anyway, this was amazing.
Gohan55 chapter 1 . 1/12/2013
OH MY GOD! I almost died laughing! You made my day!
goldenrosebud chapter 1 . 1/10/2013
This is too funny, but SO true.
NerdyGirl0118 chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
Lol! Hilarious!
hi chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
kind of speaks about 90% of the writers here not just in DBZ but every where else here...most HS fics (some good but others terribly terrible), Yaoi and Slash Pairings (WTF! TRUNKS AND GOTEN AREN'T GAY FOR EACH OTHER NOR IS GOKU AND VEGETA WHOM ARE BOTH MARRIED MEN) others are pretty bad but not at the My Immortal Level of Bad (who remembers the badly written fic My Immortal)
DemonicXaliv chapter 1 . 11/11/2012
This describes 90% of all the DBZ fics I've seen.
Though I have to say 60% are AU high school fics and just that factor makes me not wanna read them XP
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