Reviews for How To Make A Really Bad Dragon Ball Z Fanfic
Sakura-Shoran chapter 1 . 9/20/2002
Holy fucking hell that was GREAT... i laughed so hard... the scary thing is, it's ALL TRUE! lol! omg... I'm gonna read this again!
Jenny chapter 1 . 9/18/2002
Plain and simple:

You're my hero.

Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2002
i don't think i've read anything with more truth in it in a long time. _ i especially hate the japanese language that litters most stories... i mean shit, if you have to use the wrong phrase, at least spell the shit right. and of course we can't forget "nani's wrong vegeta?" because why should we bother to think that a language who doesn't use an 'alphabet' will match american grammar exactly... thank you... thank you... i sing your praises for seeing things my way.

ah, but you forgot to add.

Step 5.1

Dehumanize characters to the point of MTV stereotypes. (Make every chapter like a taping of the "Real World" or something equally disturbing, retarded, and 2 dimentional.)

Bulma sighed. "I'm a nearly 30 year old scientific genius who is insanely rich. I think I'll wear some hot pants and a handkerchief tied over my breasts while I do menial kitchen chores."

"Make me food bitch. Then when you're done I will proceed to make passionate love to you and then go and train telling myself 'i don't love her. i'm a prince and i can't do this with a human blah blah blah.' Then I'll deny myself what I want even though I'm selfish and think I should have whatever I want and drive the only woman in the last ten years that gave sleeps with me because she actually likes me."

"Well, you just keep talking to the only woman you've probably had willingly in the past ten years like that. I'll still open my legs everytime and have unprotected sex with you like a naive 15 yr old girl. Why? because you're sooo cute and sexy." The phone rings.

"Hi yamucha."

"Hey. I know I had a lapse of judgement when I slept with someone else. But that's not why I called. Look I just want to say I'm sorry for beating you like a rabid dog even though your head should have been taken off from a slap from someone as powerful as me. I's still a raging alcoholic and I think you still love me. I'm calling from your bedroom on the cellphone you gave me (even though I'm a wealthy and famous baseball player), laying in wait with a knife. Don't tell Vegeta, but I'm gonna rape you and expect you to forgive me."

"And I will to. because I can easily be intimidated by a man who is far less intelligent than myself. Geez, I wish with all my money I'd get a security system that every household in the ghetto has. I mean why should people as powerful in the financial world as my family have security?"

"Forget the food. let's have sex now."

"No. Do you think I wear provocative clothing all the time around a criminal who has probably been isolated from women for years because I want that kind of attention?"

"Anyone who has gone to prison to visit is informed of a strict dress code as to not draw that kind of attention. So you obviously want it."

"No I don't. Here's you're food. NOW we can have sex." They have sex.

"Then I'll tell you to hide our relationship and make you cry (you'll do me anyway) even though to be honest it would annoy people to no end to know i'm boning you after killing nearly everyone."

"good point. oh yeah, i'm pregnant."

"i don't want it although it is every man's mission to procreate. You know, i really don't want to try to continue bloodline. so now i'll leave even though i should be damn proud of myself." He leaves and she crys.
The Flying Pen chapter 1 . 8/2/2002
XD! Hahahahahahaha, this is great fun. I never thought I could such a horrible fic...oh wait, I think I *have*! Yes, there are some worse than this. But great job! You've embodied the whole schmeal right here! Every new author needs to read this.

NariRyo chapter 1 . 12/25/2001
So true, so true.
veggies lil sis k-chan chapter 1 . 12/19/2001
i think this is very oranginal!
Majin Vegeta chapter 1 . 12/11/2001
Hehe, I'd give you some lavish praise! Errrr, anyway, that was pretty funny. I liked the part with Piccolo and Freezer acting shall I say this...ghetto...and stuff. That was really funny. _ Hehe, making fun of bad authors is fun, isn't it? ~_ Stupid bad authors...blast them all!
BluLadyK chapter 1 . 11/26/2001
LOL! this was great! LOL! i agree. i have seen fics JUST like this! LOL my favorite was the OOC! great work! it really made my day. funny is good! _ ja ne!
Gothkitty chapter 1 . 10/3/2001
OMG! My friend pointed this out to me and I just want to sa T!
Airluwena chapter 1 . 10/2/2001
Yes! Ahhh... I sent this page to a few friends because this is just too funny! Thank you for saying what most people felt. .
Sutremaine chapter 1 . 8/26/2001
I agree totally with step ten. My stats (feel free to skip em)? 1,2,3- not guilty. 4-guilty of sex scenes but not of lemons. 5,6- Hopefully not guilty. 7- n/a- I live in the UK. 8- nope. 9- no way!
Baby Buruma chapter 1 . 7/24/2001
This is funny but it should be in the DBZ section!
Drusilla2 chapter 1 . 7/23/2001
AHAHAHA.. very funny! I totally agree though, I'm tired of those stupid fics with these things in them.. however I do write disclaimers.. only "I don't own the characters" though, and I do write an author's note once in a while, telling people where I got the songs from, or stuff like that
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