Reviews for Breaking the Limit
GeneralMontgomery chapter 36 . 8/28/2021
This was an amazing story!
soodarling chapter 36 . 8/2/2021
J’ai adoré le NaruSaku
Nekoninja1107 chapter 22 . 2/1/2021
Honestly I just couldn't get into this. Like when it comes to narusaku ships I have yet to read a good story with decent relational development. I think sakura just suddenly noticing naruto ain't right and even an event or two needs to be written well. I just didn't get into. I didn't like how idiotic naruto was written. I know he isn't that intelligent even in canon, but you wrote him excessively stupid. I guess you were probably going for humour in that regard. the interactions were also a bit weird. Like there were times where naruto could've decked sasuke just for being such an inconsiderate "best friend". I get that naruto maybe doesn't understand social relationships given his lack of experience but I just felt like I would've punched him, left the village, stopped being his friend. anything really just so that he wasn't simply okay with the horrible treatment from his so called friends, teammates, sensei and village. just my personal opinion on some of the points in the fic
SkullVenom chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
like rereading this stort
Anon chapter 1 . 2/27/2019
Just stumbled upon this again and noticed you completed this story exactly 6 years ago. I felt like I had to post something. This is one of my favorite retellings of the early Naruto story - most get dull and repetitive but this seems... almost like it could have happened? The NaruSaku was the icing on the cake. Thanks for publishing this - I wish we could have gotten that sequel, but life happens I suppose!
DarthVader2005 chapter 36 . 6/2/2018
Wow, just wow dude! I've read tons of NaruSaku stories and only one has made me feel like it could've actually been part of the Naruverse until I came across your story. Seriously dude well done. You have an excellent imagination. I each chapter I read made me wish more and more that Kishimoto actually did this in the story. I loved how Naruto and Sakura got together. It's a shame though that judging by how you were originally planning to do sequel in 2013 it doesn't look like at this point that you're going to do it at all. Shame indeed I would've been very eager to see this story continue. Oh well, still a very splendid read!
creativesm75 chapter 36 . 4/11/2018
YeagerMeister31 chapter 35 . 3/14/2018
Well that was a great story although Naruto should have become a Chunin for winning the tournament overall so what if he ran away they seem to be forgetting about the barrier if he would have found a team he would have been trapped
YeagerMeister31 chapter 34 . 3/14/2018
Well that was interesting so the only person who died was the Raikage so troublesome
YeagerMeister31 chapter 33 . 3/14/2018
Well that was that sux that Naruto didn't kill him he's to soft
YeagerMeister31 chapter 32 . 3/14/2018
Well that sux that pathetic Sanbi killed Naruto huh troublesome
YeagerMeister31 chapter 31 . 3/14/2018
Well obviously the slut Rin the giant moron Sado and they gay Sanbi are not Genin at all still they lost well other then the gay one trick pony Sanbi
YeagerMeister31 chapter 30 . 3/14/2018
Well this plan by Pedomaru and Cloud is so troublesome still there all gonna die although how the hell is Shikamaru supposed to beat Pedomaru and I wonder what Jiraiya's upto
YeagerMeister31 chapter 29 . 3/14/2018
Well this was troublesome hopefully ShikaNejiLee deal with those 2 chumps and move on
YeagerMeister31 chapter 28 . 3/14/2018
Well that was interesting the Raikage's weak though no so Neji, Shikamaru and Lee to help Naruto and Sakura huh
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