Reviews for Harry, Prince of Hogwarts
JadedLadyoftheSpeculativeNight chapter 3 . 8/13/2007
You're doing a wonderful job! My only criticism is that you keep an eye out for typos. Other than that, I'm very pleased with what you're writing and I look forward to more! *Big thumbs up*

JadedLadyoftheSpeculativeNight chapter 1 . 7/24/2007
: )
JadedLadyoftheSpeculativeNight chapter 2 . 7/24/2007
I am begging you: Please, PLEASE! continue with "Harry Prince of Hogwarts"! I studied Hamlet my senior year of high school and I see great potential in this idea of yours! Already, just by looking at the cast and the Harry Potter equivalents you've chosen, I know you're going to do marvelously!

On that note, please don't give up on this endeavor! It's very clever and I look forward to reading more!

-Jaded Lady