Reviews for Let's Be Us Again
Sarai chapter 38 . 9/29/2010
Awesome story! So glad you updated!
McRose chapter 38 . 9/28/2010
Cute way AJ broke the news and I laughed at Mr. foot-in-mouth's unromantic proposal. And, the same as AJ, I rolled my eyes at the pot and kettle ...

More seriously, I like Mac's maturity in her understanding that what she gained is so much more than what she "lost."

Looking forward to more!

J.B.T chapter 37 . 9/10/2010
Love this story. I just reread whole story so far. Looking forward to more Please. Thanks for sharing your talent. JBT
starryeyes12 chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
you said you'd update once a week it's now been two weeks almost three what's up?
JBTaylor chapter 37 . 7/7/2010
I love this story, have read all the parts. Looking for update. Reading keeps me from thinking Mom very ill and reading fiction takes one away to someones life,other than theirs. Thanks for great story. JBT
judy52sa chapter 37 . 6/27/2010
I am behind getting caught up with Ch 37...great to see you back again, and am continuing to enjoy the direction in which plot line is developing. Good to know you are regaining your health, along with Harm! Take care, and very much look forward to continuing chapters.
Michi uk chapter 37 . 6/17/2010
So pleased your feeling better, long may it continue.

So pleased Harm has become motivated and, making headway, to full recovery, so harm has solved there case, hope everything comes to fruition. Can't wait for the next !
JBTaylor chapter 1 . 6/15/2010
So Happy to see new chapter. Sure have missed updates. Looking forward to more.
Can Sheshe chapter 37 . 6/13/2010
So happy to have you and your story back. Glad you are feeling better and know that I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Great chapter and looking forward to the next chapater. God Bless!
carolfd chapter 37 . 6/13/2010
Read all 37 chapters in 2 days - terrific sequel! Please post more chapters soon.
gypsyrose06 chapter 37 . 6/10/2010
Glad to see another chapter posted! Sounds like you are feeling better. That is good news! Harm is finally making steady progress, yeah! Glad to see they let Trish help, I am sure that was important to her as well! Looking forward to the next update. Still really like the up coming news at the end of the chapters.
Jeanaz8 chapter 37 . 6/9/2010
It is good to see you back writing. Hope your health continues to improve and you feel better.

Liked this chapter as we are finally getting an idea of what is going on with Tony being charged with the murder. That has been a good mystery part of the story.

Take good care of yourself. chapter 37 . 6/9/2010

Is Ana Pregnant?


Great Chap!
bethsthings chapter 37 . 6/9/2010
First and formost so glad to hear your doing better. Wonderful chapter so glad to see Harm improving and they getting along better too. Can't wait for more and hope you continue with good health.
starryeyes12 chapter 37 . 6/9/2010
great story
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