Reviews for The Unholy Trinity
Pothangfanfic chapter 34 . 9/20/2016
This was amazing. I almost cried and giggled at work. ;-)

It would have been interesting to explain why.

Has the sequel, The Dangerous Duo and the Dark Prince ever been written?
daisycb chapter 34 . 6/14/2016
Has The Dangerous Duo and the Dark Prince been written and if so, where is it posted? Great story, love what you've done with the characters.
wokanshutaiduo chapter 1 . 5/21/2016
Is the sequel ever coming? :(
Sarah Lilen chapter 17 . 2/15/2016
I am enjoying this story far too much (1:13 am). My first fic with this pairing, and I am already hooked up. But a long time ago I heard something like
men are afraid that women will laugh at them; women are afraid that men will kill them
soo, a lot of SS teenage angst seems at times just ridiculous. But believable, nevertheless. Took my hubbie almost a year to overcome this fear. And the only thing his ego allowed him to do, finally, was to bump into me at the veg stall so harshly that I fell and broke my wrist. He clearly got my attention then. And I clearly wasn't laughing. Hopefully he learned his lesson and I am making sure that he's going feel sorry for that for the rest of his life.
All those men.. it's hilarious and sad at once. And dangerous for all of us.
wokanshutaiduo chapter 33 . 1/30/2016
7 years later and I'm still awaiting a sequel - PLEASE do!
heart.dramione chapter 34 . 2/22/2015
great job! fall in love with severus, minevra, and many other! i know would be a battle scene at hogwart!
heart.dramione chapter 4 . 2/12/2015
love the great story! like reading sverus's thoughts! nice scene at the house meeting!
Pyrovilian chapter 34 . 11/27/2014
Omg awsome! Can't wait to read the other story!
Guest chapter 34 . 9/7/2014
Forever hoping you will have both time and intend to write the sequel of this story.
Oscar de Jargey chapter 14 . 7/13/2014
Hi I begun to read your fan fic and just leave a comment now. I really love it and love the plot that you've created with Filius' past. Snape is a little bit too disturbed and tortured to my taste, so sometimes it can be disturbing to read but still a very good fanfic !
thanks !
Mrs Rodolphus Lestrange chapter 34 . 7/9/2014
Love love love this story, could not put it down!
I just wanted to provide a little big of constructive criticism in that when your characters are talking to each other they say each other's names a lot during the conversation, which draws the reader away from what is being said.
Anyway that was the only thing that I would change with the story and even that is stretching it as it was an amazing story, thank you so much for writing it :)
bikinibotm chapter 34 . 7/2/2013
Love this fic!
Memeal chapter 8 . 5/28/2013
To be honest, the story here of Severus and his internal pain is just so well written that I have to put the book down. There is a sense of the inevitable here. Severus will die of Nagini's bite and will never find peace. It is the one, great travesty of the books and you've captured it all in a story.

Do not despair. This is a high compliment. I'm amazed at the beauty in how you deal with your characters, allowing each of them to have their own, gorgeous personalities. I adore Filius, feel pitying of Minevea, wish I could save Severus, hate Albus in that horrible hate one has to have for a character who cannot choose to do anything but what he must do, and feel absolute disgust for the Death Eaters.

You've done what wasn't done in the books - you've destroyed the emotional distance and one day, I might be having a good enough day to come back and finish reading this - if for no other reason than to ruin my day while simultaneously fall in love further with your characterizations. Severus is revealed finally as a source of incredible love, fostered at the knee of a great friendship. Thank you for that. (And now I'm going to go and get some tissue, blow my nose, and go read a different one of your stories so I stop feeling so damned sorry for Severus.)
MistressParamore chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
Oh this is good:
"He picked up the parchment, realized it was sealed, and he flipped it over. The wax seal… by Merlin's Beard, His Wand and His Bloody Cloak, was a kitten with big, blue eyes that blinked and… by Merlin's Polka Dotted Knickers, Twisted and Bunched in a Gordian Knot, it meowed softly even as he inspected it in complete disbelief."

Only 2 paragraphs in and I'm laughing out loud! This is superb! I applaud you friend :D
Guest chapter 34 . 4/14/2013
FABULOUS story, i'm sorry I came to the end. magnificent. not just fantasy but fantastical.
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