Reviews for The Unholy Trinity
Lucretia Skelington chapter 3 . 7/31/2007
What a tangle web we weave...

Brilliant twist! You must update soon!
Lucretia Skelington chapter 1 . 7/31/2007
Selmak! What are you doing torturing poor Sev? Ah, but I'm glad you are. Most intriguing story, my dear.
pluma chapter 3 . 7/31/2007
wow is all i really have to say at this point. i haven't thoroughly enjoyed a minerva fic in so long... this is really superb writing. i love your style, and the story line is so creative! the fact that you're focusing on the heads of houses is awesome as well, as not many people can pull off writing them so in-character while also putting their own spin on them. you're doing a fantastic job, though. (: i, too, love that minerva sleeps around, lol. can't wait to read more~
Sleeping-force's-inside chapter 3 . 7/31/2007
Nice, I hope you update soon
Guest chapter 3 . 7/30/2007
This is an amazing story. It's so heartbreaking at times, but also really funny. I like how you use flashbacks to set up the backstory. The end of chapter three totally killed me! Poor, poor Severus. And I love that Minerva sleeps around lol. Great job, I can't wait to read more.
trulyamused chapter 3 . 7/30/2007
Very cool. Looking to more.

Paru-sama chapter 3 . 7/30/2007
Very good, another story added to my favorites ;D
Iva1201 chapter 3 . 7/30/2007
Very interesting and unusual - looking forward to more. (-:
miyabinohana chapter 3 . 7/30/2007
Oh NO, poor severus and Minerva. I really hope he and Minerva get togther happily.
Allerleiurah chapter 3 . 7/29/2007
Poor Snape! ;_; Hopefully he eventually does bang the tricksy hobbit that is McGonagall...

I might add, this is a pretty unique storyline, and the first time I've EVER liked a story about Minerva's lovelife!
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