Reviews for The Unholy Trinity
CarminMoon chapter 34 . 1/3/2013
Okay, I have dearly loved every word of this story! I would never have thought I would like a SS/MM pairing, but you made it work. And it worked wonderfully!

Now I have to ask, where is the sequel?!
Coll chapter 34 . 8/12/2012
Hello there, I was wondering if you ever wrote The Dangerous Duo and the Dark Prince? If so where is it?
loveretriever chapter 34 . 6/22/2012
Dear, so sorry I'm reviewing something so old (well, written awhile ago!)

At any rate, been out of the loop. However, I love this story and I sure can't wait to read your other stories (as now I've finally had the chance to get back into !) :)

I am so excited to see what else you've written! xD


I love Love LOVE Severus/Minerva, so I will check out the sequel...if there is one. :)
Lady Altrariel chapter 9 . 2/21/2012
I know you didn't mean for this to be a comedy but this is one of the funniest stories I have ever read. I a

Ways get strange looks when I am reading it because it always has me laughing out loud.
Jadzania chapter 8 . 10/10/2011
I really liked the Fawkes perspective at the beginning of this chapter :) This is a fantastic story, I like how it's so serious and there's so much depth in the characters and at the same time it's so incredibly funny :D

Dance Elle Dance chapter 34 . 8/10/2011
Oh I really liked this fic! I think you did an awesome job with this. Keep up the great work!
Kaylaen chapter 34 . 5/10/2011
THis is a great story... eat cookies... lots of them... from me...

Is the Dangerous Duo and the Dark Prince going to happen? I really would appreciate it. two years over due but it would be appreciated none-the-less. :-)

Just eat cookies, that will make it all better.
SlytherinRiter chapter 22 . 4/6/2011
Oh god. This is gonna be bad when Severus figures out that she's cying...
SlytherinRiter chapter 13 . 4/5/2011
The birds are Animagi, aren't they?
wokanshutaiduo chapter 34 . 2/22/2011
what happened to "the dangerous duo and the dark prince" storyline? i was looking forward to that...
Plumbum chapter 34 . 10/14/2010
Soooo, it's 2010. Where can we read the Dangerous Duo and the Dark Prince?

Great story bwt. But I'm serious. Is there an ending?
ProperT chapter 34 . 6/25/2010
Been reading this since yesterday, and thoroughly enjoyed it. And now I've reached the end, and was ready to start part deux, and its not in your profile yet... Sigh. Woe the heartbreak...

Sorry, I get a bit over dramatic, lol. But it really was a lovely story. I liked your Minerva, very lively... In fact I liked how all the witches were lively. And I've never seen a Sev portrayed liked yours either, definitely a refreshing twist as well. Hope there's a part two soon. Great Story! :)
Craz Lollipop-Imp chapter 34 . 6/24/2010

I really liked your story. I looked for the sequel and couldn't find it. Mind sending me a link? Thanks!
kitt46 chapter 34 . 6/24/2010
This is a very fine story. I did get lost a little in the Indian landscape, but that didn't matter. So beautiful and subtle, and caring the way you handled the snaky games. Thank you for all your efforts.

All the best,

bookivore chapter 34 . 1/25/2010
I'd love to see the next installment - this one doesn't seem to come to a full stop, just gets to a point where things have calmed down a little. And we know so much is yet to happen this school year such as confrontation with DA and departure of twins, Occlumency (one presumes offscreen, since there's no Potter interaction in your story), stunners to Minerva, the Ministry. In a universe where there is more than one great evil (yours and the real world) Dumbledore has to prepare for the long term as well as arranging everyone to knock out the current Dark Lord. I'd love to see some signs of that.
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