Reviews for Things Team Nineteen Are No Longer Allowed To Do
Lord Retro chapter 3 . 4/28/2008
My wife is looking at me very much funny now...I love lists like this

Peace Out

Lord Retro
withbothhands chapter 3 . 4/28/2008

love love love this! i have so much respect for you. i would have ran out of ideas at least four chapters ago.

but, what's this? there are only three chapters...? /twilightzonethemesong

SO ANYWAY. awesome. i love it. seriously. for realz. no joke.
xlight.up.the.skyx chapter 3 . 4/27/2008
88. Konoha is not a democracy and if it was, we wouldn't vote for you.

89. Well, Gai might. But he doesn't count.

Please please please please please update! It's only 3 chapters! Gah! And it's really funny, if you didn't get that. And I think that nearly all of the rules are equally funny, I posted 88 and 89 because they were close to the "submit review" button.

You should consider turning some of these rules into short one-shots. They would be great I bet... I would love to help -

Oh, and please update soon. Again.
katdemon1895 chapter 3 . 4/27/2008
this story is awesome to the 100th degree, numbers 67, 81 and 87 are my favorite

also, i'm so bidding against the mizukage for iruka!
Ashcat chapter 3 . 4/27/2008
Great job on these they always make me laugh :D
Mine6Chan chapter 3 . 4/26/2008
You updated! I'm so happy! I thought you had abandoned this! rule # 87 (not so much of a rukle anyway) was the best one! I hope you'll keep updating this! It's great! I was laughing so hard i was crying!
Monty Bojangles chapter 3 . 4/26/2008
lol awesome! please update again soon
RuneYue chapter 3 . 4/26/2008
*bashes head into a wall*

I cannot believe that I didn't have this one "add to story alert list" or that it just didn't alert me! It's because of this very fic that I am hopelessly addicted to the trio...

That being said, I adored your latest installment! Couldn't stop the laughter, amusement and commentary of 77 in which "Well, why the hell not?" was said.


Who did rule 77 work against? *curious*
book-zealot chapter 3 . 4/24/2008
OMG. I think I just died laughing! I can so picture these things happening. It's hilarious
TwinTrouble chapter 1 . 4/24/2008
Hey, this is Twin1 and Twin2 speaking currently. We love your story - it completely cracks us both up. Giggle fits all round!

For that reason, we wanted to ask you a favour. We were wondering if you would let us use your 'rules' as a prompt for a story we're considering writing currently. It may not even make it up on the 'net, and if it does we'll give you full credit for the rules we use, but it's only polite to ask first. Things like them ACTUALLY finding out the name of the ANBU leader and spraypainting it on the HQ doors.

Don't worry; it's not going to be based solely around your rules, and if you're uncomfortable with the idea, we'll just find another way to bring comic relief in. We just thought that these rules were excellent and couldn't help thinking of ways to bring them to life.

Thanks in advance, and apologies for being bothing annoyances if we are.

Twin1 and Twin2, over and out, and waiting for the next lot of rules eagerly!
LynnGryphon chapter 3 . 4/23/2008

I nearly choked on my pepsi reading this. You should put up a warning - "Do Not Consume Food/Drink While Reading! Choking Hazard!"


Where in the world did you come up with the Kotetsu, Izumo, Iruka, and Ibiki team idea? It's great!
Rose chapter 3 . 4/23/2008
Oh wow, that is all kinds of awesome. I don't even know what to say other than that I hope you'll either write drabbles for all of these or just keep going. I'm in tears right now.
redfe chapter 1 . 4/23/2008
Hillarious story. I have to admit, parts of the second felt like you were streching it but the first an third were pure gold. Everything with Ibiki had me rolling!
yro chapter 3 . 4/23/2008
Oh, sweet Jesus. I can't stop laughing.

I think... this is the hardest I've laughed in a long time.

Thank you. :)
alexiel-neesan chapter 3 . 4/23/2008
I'd like to leave a coherent review. Really, I'd like to. But it seems my brain was entierly too rattled by my laughter to do so. And I'm not sure I'd regain coherency anytime soon.

I blame you.

(it's so good though :) thanks)
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