Reviews for Things Team Nineteen Are No Longer Allowed To Do
BVT123 chapter 2 . 8/27/2007
YAY! Anouther chapter! Again you're back with more funny rules! Wornder what Naruto and and others would think of Iruka now!
cdkobasiuk chapter 2 . 8/26/2007
Very Very Funny.

Trayne chapter 2 . 8/26/2007
I love how Gai is grouped with gullible academy students. And why does everyone assume Genma is a slut?

XD There aren't many stories about Iruka's generation, and I'm just loving this to bits. Kotetsu is such a bad little boy. (not that I'm complaining).

Oh, and you win for adding the original Power Rangers.
ITookThisName chapter 1 . 8/26/2007
Lmao that's great, long live team nineteen!
Psyco101 chapter 2 . 8/25/2007
LOL LOL LOL! I love it! This is a genious treasure trove of pranks that can be pulled on Konoha (and other places...) _ I can't wait to see what you come out with next!
The Soul Cake Duck chapter 2 . 8/25/2007
LOL! oh my gosh! this story is made of awesome! you are made of awesome! i love it! keep up the good work!
creepy crab chapter 2 . 8/25/2007
those are one of the silliest and funniest things i've ever read. good job. n are u going to update two steps back? please do, i like that story...
thebookhobbit chapter 2 . 8/25/2007
Ok, I'll be honest- that was slightly crackficish. But it was also hilarious crackficness. Are you gonna write more?
Measured chapter 1 . 8/25/2007
I laughed so hard I hurt myself. Seriously, this is so made of win and awesome, I applaud your mind XD
ZomBRI chapter 2 . 8/25/2007
You're a genius. :D

I laughed so hard at the last one. [Actually, I laughed hard at all of them.]

I'm gonna start telling people the toaster has AIDs now~
Babykittylover chapter 2 . 8/24/2007
LOL! again again!
Vree chapter 2 . 8/24/2007
*curls up in a corner and dies laughing* Lovely! That was just freakin' awesome! There's just so many ficlet ideas in there. *giggles* Hope you write more. *grins*

alescA Munroe chapter 2 . 8/24/2007
52 and 60 FTW. Many kudos, keep up the awesome.
Monks1 chapter 2 . 8/24/2007
LOL! It would be really funny if Naruto confronted Iruka about this in front of the academy class.
rockleefan chapter 2 . 8/24/2007
ROFLMAO this is so incredibly funny!

i seriously havent stopped laughing since i started reading this. who knew iruka was such a perv. its always the quiet ones you gotta watch out for, huh?

1, 4, 10, 11, 12, 22, 24, 27, 36, 40, 41, 42, 51, 52, 53 and 57 are my all time favs. you have got to do more of these.

update soon plz
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