Reviews for Masters of Manipulation
ssclxu87 chapter 1 . 7/25/2023
started to read this again after years
Nastya Loktionova chapter 6 . 4/20/2023
Эта глава через чур сумбурнаЯ. Я бы сказала она запутывает читателя
Nastya Loktionova chapter 1 . 4/20/2023
Первая глава интересная
JD SPARKS chapter 1 . 6/19/2021
JD SPARKS chapter 1 . 6/19/2021
I just want to say to those complaining about Keum who scroll through reviews. Please guys read the sequel! It gets explained...
imnotahorcrux chapter 25 . 1/28/2021
And here I thought Hermione and Tom will be together... I guess they did, but Imma just obliviate myself of half of this chapter... The italicized parts are enough for me thank you very much.

I mean... Krum?

W. L. O'Fallon chapter 25 . 11/15/2020
Damn what did Riddle do to make Hermione not trust him? Lol nice that she is married to Krum and not Weasley lol. TBC? O.o there is more? :O
themarfalights chapter 6 . 7/7/2020
This chapter was the biggest clusterfuck I’ve probably ever read. I couldn’t not leave a review about it and thank fuck I did or else I wouldn’t have seen these other reviews and probably would have wasted more of my time. Quitting here.
MelodySwanMills chapter 25 . 4/8/2020
That was so good! But I‘m wondering what happened to Hermione and Tom that they didn’t end up together? Hopefully things will be changed in the sequel!
Alice chapter 25 . 3/25/2020
I know this was written over ten years ago, but I still quite enjoyed it until the last section. The fact that she ended up with Krum was just weird but hey, writers prerogative! Thank you for writing anyway
Cassie-011 chapter 25 . 5/26/2019

Kinda shocked tom and Hermione didn't end up together in the end!
LostZoro chapter 4 . 1/28/2019
The tone of the story is irritating although the plot says it is meant to be taken seriously.
Not my cup of tea, I guess. If you want to read this then I respect your decision.
LostZoro chapter 2 . 1/28/2019
One of the most annoying version of Hermione I've ever read
Guest chapter 15 . 11/11/2018
Tom is absolutely right: you can use your brains and win the battle for real. It's just easier said than done.
tp1808 chapter 4 . 11/3/2018
The manly scream part had me dying
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