Reviews for Fishing in the River Styx
Guest chapter 2 . 2/23/2013
please update one of the few crossovers i like
mishap chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
I hope that when you with "Prince" you come back to this one. I'd love to see what you could do with it.
drake999 chapter 2 . 2/14/2013
wish you would have continued this :)

your writing skills really show through in how you portrayed everything-the character, their interactions, and the situation.

wish somebody made a story like this, as this seems to be the best premise of a naruto/bleach crossover ive seen...well, besides one where he died, and is a shinigami king awakened by aizen in the future ;D

-also, the premise isnt the whole of this, the way you portrayed the characters in this was subtle, authentic to their personality, and quite moving. i guess im going to have to read that humongous story your writing is good, at least based on this sample.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/2/2012
looks good i'm liking the story so far keep up the good work and i might have to keep reading haha
goddessa39 chapter 2 . 5/21/2012
I love NaruHina lovies and NaruSakuSasu friendship. So ur brand of relationships and friends are awesome. I'm not that familiar with Bleach but it is amusing have ninja there after death defying those who take to death... lol, bet the only reason the death god agreed to the yondaime's seal and stuff was because none of them wanted to chase the yellow flash down. And that's a fun idea there-a dead yondaime trying to take care of his son while being chased by shinigami.
MasqueradeDoll chapter 2 . 3/15/2012
I noticed you haven't updated this story since 2007, but I beg of you UPDATE! This is such an amazing story, please don't let it die!
Sen2TOS9 chapter 2 . 2/6/2012
I really like this story. I am excited to read what happens next.
Deadzepplin chapter 2 . 2/2/2012
the end made me laugh
Sarcasm Dragon chapter 2 . 9/19/2011
You've made quite an interesting story. I wonder if you have any way to resolve it. :)
MisquotedWarrior chapter 2 . 8/12/2011
Does Kakashi feel somewhat responsible for Naruto's death? I ask this because from my perspective, Kakashi only savors the deaths of those he regrets. For instance, Sasuke's grave isn't something I can see him visiting frequently. Also he has yet to cease remorsing over Obito.

So, just a thought.


The saying goes 'Reading is like TV in your head'. Well, on the grounds of that saying, this is freaking HD. Honestly. I wish you were a beta, 'cos I am in desperate need of one.

Oh well, enough sympathy for me...if there was any.

Update soon. And when I say soon, I mean NOW. You must update at this exact time and moment. If not, the galaxy will be in grave danger. Thanks to you. So I hope that dwells on your conscience forever more.

I bid you a farewell until you decide to add on to this masterpiece.
MisquotedWarrior chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
This chapter was terrific, I'm serious, that was freaking worthy of being labled as awesome. I do not doubt that , that is exactly how the fox and Uchiha would act if placed in a situation lke this.
potterinu chapter 2 . 7/6/2011
Ok I've got to tell you I passed this story by many many times. I looked and saw it was your first story and really short plus the summary never really sucked me in. But I love your other story and wanted to read more from you and so gave it a shot. I actually really liked it. I would encourage you to write more if I wasn't afraid of it taking time away from writing dark kingdom. I like this story but I love that one. So yeah just thought I'd let you know.
sometimesafox chapter 2 . 1/29/2011
Hey hey are you ever going to write for this fic again? I totally dig this crossover.
SnickyPop chapter 2 . 11/25/2010
This is so interesting~ I like the concept already even with only two chapters. I like that Naruto and Sasuke just didn't confront the Shinigami lying down. I suppose ninja are much too paranoid for that xD
narutodragon chapter 2 . 8/27/2010
update again plaese
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