Reviews for Whelp II The Wrath of Snape
Spang chapter 24 . 8/25
So well written sorry it’s done
Spang chapter 24 . 8/15
Hope you are Inspired to continue Whelp at least to where Harry starts Hogwarts
Spang chapter 7 . 8/15
Love that your marvelous writing continues and you continue to share your wonderful work product ️
Spang chapter 7 . 8/15
Absolutely marvelous: thanks for creating and sharing: you’re work is so well done
Spang chapter 1 . 8/15
Enjoying your writing immensely: thanks for creating and sharing
Spang chapter 3 . 8/15
well done: Think Snape is also melting a bit
Spang chapter 2 . 8/15
Your wonderful work continues ( trust that when he’s old enough, he’ll be happy to be sorted into Slytherin- assuming that’s what the hat decides this time)
SherlockWholmes chapter 24 . 6/26/2023
Severus has turned into a brilliant Daddy for Harry! Their bond is a powerful connection that they both needed! I am hoping and praying that Whelp III is still slated to be a future project! I love the dynamics you've given all of the characters! All the Kudos!
anne.prossi24 chapter 24 . 3/19/2023
will there be a part 3
freegirl333 chapter 24 . 12/14/2022
Hdudhdhdj I wish you had AO3 or something I love reading your stories
Ghostwriter chapter 24 . 12/6/2022
Wonderful job. I love it.
Oceanamckleen chapter 24 . 10/13/2022
I love! You are an amazing writer I had to put down my phone after the kidnapping. Thank you for writing I hope you come back to the story
nomeothinks chapter 24 . 2/25/2022
I keep coming back to this story; it lingers in my thoughts so very much. Are there any more parts to this story? Is whelp 3:still in the pipeline?
Thanks for writing this story.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/9/2022
Gotta admit this makes no sense the house should have been better protected
Vampireking40 chapter 24 . 10/26/2021
A third story is so needed going into Harry first year. He should be sorted into Slytherin. The boy has grown up among Slytherin even if he has met the Weasley he should still be a Snake like his daddy.
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