Reviews for A Personal Matter
tati1 chapter 25 . 4/10/2009
Okay, this was like THE GREATEST Naruto/HP crossover EVER and so original and totally in character and just generally great that I read it in every spare moment I had (and in some I didn't have) over the last three days.

But for some reason I can't access your profile, which means I can't access the sequel or anything else you've written! Can you help me? We can't send links over , but do you have your stuff written elsewhere, or could you e-mail me the link for the sequel to gndmlvr01 at aol dot com?

I'd really appreciate it!

Hoping for the sequel,

HH chapter 26 . 4/10/2009
My real review this time...

I loved this story. Besides my one previous complaint, there really wasn't anything I disliked about it. The characterizations were great and the interpersonal relationships were totally believable. I like how you set the story up, revealing a little about the background story at the beginning. I had a hard time forcing myself to break from reading. Great work!
HH chapter 22 . 4/9/2009
I'll probably review again once I've read the whole story, but I have to get this off my chest now. You use "bemused" way too much and often times inappropriately. You should try a thesaurus or something.
6tailedninja chapter 26 . 4/7/2009
great story. it was cool how you told the past and the-present?-at once.
Sirius-Black-is-not-dead chapter 26 . 4/7/2009
Great fic! 9 out of 10!
Mercsenary chapter 26 . 3/26/2009
Aw... that "Isnt a fair trade one" sounds like a good fun fic.
ANBU Black Ops. Falcon chapter 26 . 3/26/2009
Great story!
Emryalx chapter 26 . 3/24/2009
Holy awesome!

This fic was just amazing. How you kept it so in character and your descriptions (especially the fight scenes and characters) is beyond words.

Off to your sequel now, thanks for writing~
apathetica chapter 26 . 3/9/2009
Thanks for writing this. It's got to be the best written harry!shinobi story i've seen. I very much enjoyed it.
Beth chapter 11 . 3/8/2009
Nice story, I've enjoyed it so far. But one little point. Kimonos are NOT fitted. They are one size fits all. The only difference is how far around they wrap, how much the fabric overlaps at the waist, etc. My kimono will fit any woman from 4'-6" to 6', 100lbs to 175lbs. Seriously. And they usually (me included) need to be put on by someone else. Only a women who has attended special classes can put them on by herself. Same with male kimonos. However, because modern men have a much larger variety of sizes today, male kimonos will come in traditional size all the way up to 'Sumo Champion'- but each size covers a wider range of people than western sizes. At best, it would take 5 minutes top for the shopkeeper to determine what size you need. Then an hour (for a women) before the event to put it on. But this is such a niggly little point I wouldn't worry about it. But you looked like an author who has really tried to get everything right (unlike SOME we've all seen) so I thought I would share. Hope you aren't offended.
Blackdex chapter 25 . 3/8/2009
I dont particularly want a preview of the sequal, so i will just review here, and scan the AN's. ciao
Hierran chapter 25 . 3/2/2009
Great fic, kept me all night reading. I'll be sure to read the sequel too!
Tara La'Quinn chapter 25 . 3/2/2009
Awesome story, I would have commented more but I just couldn't stop reading long enough. Keep up the great work!
Shinigami-chan chapter 26 . 2/14/2009
? WTF? that... was really weird. but i loved the rest of this story! i'm going to go check out the next one!
hi chapter 26 . 1/19/2009
Haha, you know, it was actually the ice thing that got me back into this story. I thought it was a bit boring the first couple of chapters and skipped to the last. So I went back reading, thinking everytime harry gets into danger that a wall of ice would come up. It was only after 7 chapters or so that i realised that HARRY DOESN'T DO THAT. [ It was a bit sad since i thought it would've been really cool, but the whole story kept me from being too disappointed. Anyway, cool. Gotta go to the sequel now.
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