Reviews for A Personal Matter
TETRACIDE chapter 7 . 1/19/2014
ur story is great, but sorry i cant continue anymore. theres just too much oc and m looking forward to more hogwart and magic stuff. have a good day.

really, ur story idea is great. but it doesnt fit my taste. plz dont b offended.
Ikurus chapter 26 . 1/2/2014
This is really good.
Thank you for writing and sharing this.
ksecc1 chapter 8 . 7/31/2013
This story is a lot of fun. I'm glad you've continued it.
leylinjan chapter 26 . 7/25/2013
loved this! the story I mean, I don't care that much for parodies, but this one wasn't that bad actually - I'm looking forward to the sequel. I think you di a very good job on this one - I also think that you managed to describe the process of Harry learning the language very well - it seemed very realistic :)
London-and-Lisa chapter 26 . 7/22/2013
you're kind of a genius, you know that, right?
Error 404 - Talent Not Found chapter 25 . 7/15/2013
Awh, it's over. Well I loved the entire thing, but I'm a little put off at how Harry's past wasn't revealed and everyone who should have known, is already dead (except Kakashi who still doesn't know -_-)...though I'm hoping the sequel reveals it. Also, I'm put off by how Harry didn't become a full fledged ninja here, but I'm also hoping it's in the sequel. I want him to know the difficult life of a shinobi, even though I have a hunch that the sequel will mostly be about the wizarding world and we won't get to see Harry's first kill, which would affect the events regarding Voldemort...

Still, a very skillfully crafted and enjoyable read.
Error 404 - Talent Not Found chapter 24 . 7/15/2013
Right. This was probably published before canon released material, though I have to say, it didn't make too much of a difference, I like your version as much as the original. Apparently, Kakashi joins when he's 17, but I do like the age change, makes him look all the more prodigal. This was a great chapter.
Error 404 - Talent Not Found chapter 23 . 7/15/2013
Oh no, Harry! I know in the canon timeline that young shinobi were forbidden from fighting the kyuubi, but I really hope that isn't the case here. Even though it probably won't because you beautifully keep very close to canon...Harry will probably be stopped too.
Error 404 - Talent Not Found chapter 22 . 7/15/2013
I love the conversation Kakashi and Harry had at night and though I wanted Kakashi to comfort Harry, it was in character and oddly satisfying to have him not- shinobi life is dangerous, pretty words won't save you.
Error 404 - Talent Not Found chapter 21 . 7/15/2013
Awh, Harry is so cute. I can't help but feel bad that so much of Harry's past is a mystery in Konoha. Hopefully that clears up.
Error 404 - Talent Not Found chapter 20 . 7/15/2013
Love the fight scene. Frustrated with Kushina not telling Minato. Enjoyed vulnerable, but still strong and protective Kakashi.
Error 404 - Talent Not Found chapter 19 . 7/15/2013
Love the Kakashi scenes. Still eagerly awaiting the ending of the note addressed to Petunia though...
Error 404 - Talent Not Found chapter 18 . 7/15/2013
I wonder what Kakashi would say to Harry's comments about things being really hard. And cue all the people who read Ichikaru as Ichiraku and all the other people saying that his name is Teuchi. Children. Read. Love this chapter because we get to see Harry start moulding chakra, if not proficiently, at least with a hint of comprehension.
Error 404 - Talent Not Found chapter 17 . 7/15/2013
This chapter is beautiful, but in no way does it help alleviate my apprehension of what was on Petunia's note. I love how you are able to slowly ease Harry out of English while still keeping his skill levels realistic. Love the academy scenes.
Error 404 - Talent Not Found chapter 16 . 7/15/2013
That boy and parseltongue. Gack, this is just too amazing. I still kind of hate you for that cliffhanger, but I really can't.
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