Reviews for Uric the Oddball and the Wild Hunt
Fae chapter 9 . 12/19/2008
To Samwise O'Keefe: The story is set in 1680, not the 12th Century.
Samwise O'Keefe chapter 7 . 12/19/2008
love the dead pan style. Keeping Uric's viewpoint works best - although it is fun to see events as the others (Mr. Kurze and Uric's friends)actually see them.

Uric makes me think he has mild autism in that he sees everything but makes different choices about what is important in a scene than the others would. Also in that he doesn't understand why others feel particular emotions.
Samwise O'Keefe chapter 4 . 12/18/2008
No violins armour sinks or faucets in 12th century. Love the description of the two boys whose "reality colided" in the bathroom at 3 in the morning. Love the idea of a castle with more secret corridors than students.

May be you live somewhere more upmarket than I do. I certainly know children who punch their friends to make a point .
Samwise O'Keefe chapter 3 . 12/18/2008
No potatoes and no paper in the 12th century - but like the characters
Samwise O'Keefe chapter 2 . 12/18/2008
Really enjoying this so far. Like URIC'S sense of asking or saying things off at a tangent. The castle would be fairly new and quite a lot smaller then. The population in Britain was only about one tenth the size it tis nowadays.

Chocolate hadn't been discovered back then.

You might want to find oput about the muggle world of the 12th century to make it more accurate.
deletingaccounttt chapter 14 . 4/13/2008
I'd love to see Uric in that stat of full awareness for more than like, a second or so.
BlackRoseFire chapter 20 . 11/8/2007
I really liked this story. Please continue to write. I hope that i will read more of your writings.
scrumpleberry chapter 1 . 7/19/2007
I absolutely love it! A fantastic idea, and Mena and Varys don't seem like the typical Spunky Female Lead and Doubting Nasty Boy.

Fabbylicious :)
iamtherealmaverick chapter 20 . 4/1/2007
Hahaha! That was gorgeous. I loved the pudding and only wish we had seen the badgers too!

tarirene chapter 20 . 12/1/2006
OK, I thought I'd try to make up for my "French grammar flame" by coming back and reviewing this. Thinking about it, I'm amazed you came up with any sort of coherent plot amid Uric's mess, but you did and it's so exciting! I mean, it's a real story in every sense, not just hilarious fluff about this oddball. ;)

I also wanted to make special mention of how much I love the character of Uric's father. A kid like Uric couldn't ask for a better one, and yet he's every inch the powerful, proud councilman. You did almost an amazing job with his character as with his son's. Oh and shoutout to Mena and Louis who most definitely kick some serious butt in the "awesome characters" department. Did I mention how much I love this story and how awesome I think you are? Every word is true...
selenepotter chapter 1 . 5/27/2006
I loved the 1st chapter! So few people do fics in times other than three eras: Founders, Marauders, and 1990's.

It was a nice touch having a muggleborn be the daughter of the blacksmith guildmaster.
Jobey in Error chapter 20 . 2/18/2006
Wow. Wow wow wow wow.

I've read this and enjoyed it just as much several years ago. It wore well. Maybe didn't even wear at all. Your imagination is endlessly deep. I'm all admiration. How *do* you think up that many quirks? And they're all so funny.

Oh, yeah, another thing to be proud of as well - the story is actually finished. And we all know how rare *that* is.

Kudos! Many, many kudos! And a whole box of chocolate frogs.

("It is extremely helpful to use this opportunity to comment on an aspect of the story that can be improved. A well rounded critique is often the most rewarding tool for the writer." ... ah, yes. Well then. Let's see... critique... erm, it ought to have a sequel? Oh, wait, nevermind!)
Andrew chapter 20 . 8/5/2005
I really enjoyed that. I think Uric's personality was wonderfully original and I enjoyed watching the relationship's build between him and his friends. Thank you for a great story, I will start reading the next one right away.
Nienna Telrunya chapter 20 . 7/6/2005
Wonderful story. I'll write a longer review later (I'm in a rush and quite late), but I enjoyed this very much. Original, funny, crazy, which a large vocabulary and interesting characters. :D
P chapter 20 . 12/30/2004
lol! This was... FUNNY! I love Uric! He's so weird, and his blurness makes him cute! Somehow.. Hahahahahahahahahaahahahaha... Great job, loved your fic.. Thanks for actually finishing it.. First one I reviewed in two weeks actually, just because it's so funny )

Well, on to the sequel now
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