Reviews for Uric the Oddball and the Wild Hunt
VyingQuill chapter 5 . 11/1/2001
This is the first story about Uric the Oddball I've ever seen! I like it! His character is very realistic; believable, due to his name, and you portrayed the 'odd' part very more soon!
Triskelion chapter 5 . 11/1/2001
This story is great! Uric's really a fascinating character - this is one of the funniest HP fanfics I've ever read. Plus I like reading about Hogwarts in the past.

Your writing style's great too - keep up the good work! More, please?
Em chapter 4 . 10/10/2001
I really liked this chapter and i'm glad you agree. Please E-mail me when the next chapter is up, because i hardly go on ff anymore...i dont have time. But i'll make time for this fic.

I like the way you write this fic and the things you come up keep up the good work...EM
Anne chapter 4 . 9/24/2001
you're so awesome! a break from my essays! yaaaayyyyyyyy! (and a fun one, too) ) i had to read some parts twice, though, cuz my mind refused to take a break when i let it and it was still somewhere that's decidedly else... and this isn't a story you can read every third word and still have it make sense. then again, you can't read every single word and still have it make sense. but that's why we love you!
PEZ chapter 4 . 9/19/2001
Sorry I'm a little late in reviewing but since no longer offers AuthorAlert, it's rather tedious trying to sift through all the fics. Great chapter as always! The one thing I thought was missing from the HP books was more description of Hogwarts and you have covered that aspect nicely. I guess being insane does have its advantages - Uric always seems happy and carefree;) Can't wait for the next chapter.
Spitgurl chapter 4 . 9/17/2001
You had better recommend them Z, they rock the universe! ) I mean, come on, my name is only Spitgurl for no reason, right? ;-)

You have to write more and faster, my brain got all consumed and stuff since the last chapter so it wasn't as much fun and that's just no fun. Yeah...

Ok I'm going to go listen to ROCKAPELLA now cuz they're the bestest ever hahaha

(actually I'm going to go write a story... same thing right?)
annie chapter 3 . 8/30/2001
hurrah for harry potter! i was going into withdrawal, you know. excellent story, can't wait for the next part. the rockapella teachers *may* have been a bit much, though ) the sad part is that i recognized them. i think it would be cool to have a greenhouse-house-common-room thing. with sentient plants! hurrah! )
PEZ chapter 3 . 8/29/2001
Another wonderful chapter! I loved your description of the Hufflepuff Common Room:) The food fight was hilarious! lol. I can just imagine a full scale war of all the food groups...Major Mayonaise, Private Pea, and my personal favorite Colonel Kernels...hehehehe. I crack myself up. So, is Uric gifted in divination? Did he know it was going to rain before is actually started raining? Can't wait for the next part;)
Spitgurl chapter 3 . 8/28/2001
Yay for Professor Thacher and "whip" cream! Hands off, all you readers, Thacher's mine! ::pause while Jeff makes whip crack noises to make a point::

I love the way you wrote Kevin. Stupid flirt! Lovin' Bear as the History of Magic Teacher. Go Elliot and his awesome plants all over the place! I looooove me some Professor Thacher! And of course, who can forget the ducks ;-)


Ooooooooooooooooh Rockapella, Rockapella-pella, Rockapella, rockin' it a capella HUH!
Em.not signed in chapter 3 . 8/27/2001
I liked this chapter alot...this Uric story is my favourite of the two, but when Uric grows older i pictured him as more of a wierd Genius that a complete madman. Ah well. Keep up the good work and post bigger chapters out faster! L8ers...Em.
Spitgurl chapter 2 . 8/24/2001

Good work, Ariana ;-) You are the only one I know who could think like Uric, and it certainly does amuse me. You'd better keep writing when you're out of the country, otherwise I might have to go over there and kick your butt )
Em.not signed in chapter 2 . 8/24/2001
I really really really like this fanfic...its been ages since i've read something this interesting at ...please write more and soon.
PEZ chapter 2 . 8/24/2001
There are so many things I love about this fic...let's see, where to start? The names of the characters are wonderful. I wonder if Alexis Lupin is related somehow to the Malfoys? Uric's off-the-wall comments are hilarious and very Lewis Carroll-esque. I'll bet he and Dumbledore would get along swimmingly. After all, they say that a little nonsense now and then is healthy for the wisest men (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory). Can't wait for the next part:) *scurries off to put Ariana on Author Alert*
PEZ chapter 1 . 8/24/2001
This is a wonderful and different fic! I love all the details you've added, particularly the hog-drawn carriages:) And Uric is delightfully odd;) I'm off to read the next part...
Spitgurl chapter 1 . 8/23/2001
You're crazy.

But so am I! heehee
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