Reviews for More Equal Than You Know
Jacob Fritzsching chapter 11 . 4/8/2024
Please update your story soon!?
Guest chapter 5 . 3/21/2024
Ok, so I've been going through the first page of reviews and came across this one from TrumpasaurusRex on 28/08/2021:


There's just no point in pushing to achieve something early that you'll be expected to achieve later. My testing out of classes would net me a much easier shot at all twelve OWLs, some one-on-one time with Professor Dumbledore, and some extra free time during the school year. Hermione was in it for the OWLs and probably a load of NEWTs. Would it get me anywhere special that normal studies wouldn't have? Probably not, and not any earlier, either.”

False. Passing OWLs and NEWTs early would allow years spent in Hogwarts to be applied to obtaining masteries in subjects. Considering there is a Potions Master, Transfiguration Master, Charms Master, etc. on staff, racing to finish schooling would definitely give you an easier life. All of those masters are in one place. If you wanted to obtain a mastery out of Hogwarts, you’d have to do one at a time. It’d take years and years.

(End quote)

Unless the fic goes into the whole Mastery fanon, this argument cannot be used for a more canon setting. In canon, the 'master' in Potions master, Charms master, etc. simply means that they're a/the male teacher in that position. And therefore Dumbledore is the Headmaster, i.e., the Head of teachers (with 'master' being used because Dumbledore's a male).

Snape being the Potions master simply means that he's the Potions teacher. The female equivalent would be Potions mistress, thus McGonagall can also be called the Transfiguration mistress. In fact, she's specifically referred to as being the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts anyway. And as for genderfluid, non-binary or whatever else, those historic terms 'master' and 'mistress' obviously didn't take this modern stuff into account.
NoLieSensi3 chapter 11 . 11/15/2023
Please updatee
wiebenor chapter 11 . 8/25/2023
First, I must say that, since my last review I happened to read a couple of the reviews left by the user TrumpasaurusRex, that were right before mine, and let's just say I'm glad I try not to badmouth people like that... I mean, he has good points, to be sure, but all the same that doesn't excuse his seeming assholery and condescension. If he was that passionate about how bad the story was, he should have just quit reading the story right away instead of continuing,(in my opinion) and I'd like to apologize for my fellow reviewer on behalf of the, well, better behaved ones. It's just too bad we don't have a cupboard under the stairs for placing unruly reviewers...

I hope my previous paragraph above, isn't truly how the user behaves usually, but I just had to give my thoughts on what he implied with his writing's tone. Now that that's dealt with though, I can get on with what I thought after reading the rest of what's currently uploaded anyway, assuming this is not a completely finished story...

So, first of all, after the second or third chapter, I started noticing the whole "Harry's diary" effect again, where the "story" keeps using "I" and other descriptive words, where Harry appears to be retelling from his POV what happened, and while that works for if Harry was talking to his friends, and telling them something that happened, well, it honestly just doesn't "flow" right, to me... I liked the story, don't get me wrong, and I DO want it to be finished someday, although I doubt it will ever happen, but the fact remains that there's a good possibility that not many people will like, or at least care for this particular version of "diary writing". I honestly don't know WHY I don't like the "diary" feel of this story, but something just doesn't FEEL like I expect it should to be a good story. I'm sorry, IDK how to explain it better than that, and it's probably stupid anyway, because with my luck I'm the only one who feels like something is off, or missing...

I'm going to follow this story just in case you decide to work on it at some point, but I know it's very unlikely... keep up the good work!
wiebenor chapter 3 . 8/23/2023
Originally, in the first two chapters, the whole "play narrator/diary" feel to a lot of the scene changes, makes the story feel a bit cringe-worthy to me, BUT, so far the third chapter has kept my interest enough, while seeming to cut down on the "narrator/diary memory" style transitions.

Were you, or anyone else, to redo this, then I would suggest that you figure out a way to better explain the whole "reading a diary passage, leads to a memory" thing. I mean, Hermione goes into a house, and the writing implies he's dead or otherwise out of the picture, only to find a book addressed to her, from Harry, where everything just reads like a diary or someone narrating background information between scenes, A LOT, for the first two chapters, as I said or implied earlier, while not seeing how they got to that point with the older, not-memory based Hermione, which leaves me questioning everything else. Were it just written like an AU story getting rid of the diary/book transitions altogether, that would make everything that much more readable, if the diary/book itself doesn't actually play an integral role in the story, or really, any role at all, and maybe stop the beginning from feeling so confusing...(I really do like this though, despite that, don't get me wrong)

Keep up the good work, and maybe in the future we'll have another overhaul of the story feel, if it's needed, although I do intend to see if the story writing truly does get better later as your prologue introduction suggests, because of the previous rewrite you talked about and all that...
TrumpasaurusRex chapter 5 . 8/28/2021
“There's just no point in pushing to achieve something early that you'll be expected to achieve later. My testing out of classes would net me a much easier shot at all twelve OWLs, some one-on-one time with Professor Dumbledore, and some extra free time during the school year. Hermione was in it for the OWLs and probably a load of NEWTs. Would it get me anywhere special that normal studies wouldn't have? Probably not, and not any earlier, either.”

False. Passing OWLs and NEWTs early would allow years spent in Hogwarts to be applied to obtaining masteries in subjects. Considering there is a Potions Master, Transfiguration Master, Charms Master, etc. on staff, racing to finish schooling would definitely give you an easier life. All of those masters are in one place. If you wanted to obtain a mastery out of Hogwarts, you’d have to do one at a time. It’d take years and years.

Also, Hermione being able to master a memory charm before even her first year is ridiculous.
TrumpasaurusRex chapter 4 . 8/28/2021
Hermione sat her exams and passed all of them with a lot more O's and E's than I managed.

Harry had the entire year to do that memory trick with his basic occlumency to master all that material. Hermione only knew it for a few weeks and STILL beat you?!
I hate how these fics handicap the MC. They make them bad at Arithmancy and other subjects and let Hermione get an O in everything effortlessly.
TrumpasaurusRex chapter 3 . 8/28/2021
The amount of sucking off he does to Dunbledore is nauseating.
The letters in Chapter 2 are too much fluff.

Also, if the British ministry doesn’t allow testing early for OWLs, what about international OWLs?
TrumpasaurusRex chapter 1 . 8/28/2021
Meeting Hermione BEFORE the train to Hogwarts is so cliche and overdone. You even had him writing letters to her as if they weren’t going to see each other in less than a month.

The odds of running into Hermione at the same time he goes to diagon alley are astronomically small. In addition, Hermione got her Hogwarts letter the previous year on her birthday (she’s nearly a year older than Harry). So what would she be doing at Diagon Alley a month before school starts when she’s known about magic for an entire year? And also without her parents there? AND put in a situation wherein she even stands out to Harry Potter to talk to amongst all the other people running around the alley?
Very contrived and stupid scenario. chapter 11 . 6/14/2021
some inconsistencies with the overhaul (Specifically the troll scene appears cut but is referenced later on) but still a great re-read. really sad that it ends the same place i remembered from last time i read it.
Surtur2179 chapter 1 . 11/26/2020
Hermione sounds ooc
dplgnrsylvia chapter 4 . 10/19/2020
I know this is being revised, but you have HarryHermione in their common room during the troll event and not coming across it. Then continuously reference the event as if they were there. Is this being taken out? If not why do we not read about the encounter? It’s like “oh yeah this happened while you were not at the Halloween feast.” Followed by a “my protego held better than that time with the troll so I’m getting stronger” this inconsistency is kinda bothering me, especially when you refer to it multiple times, like a reminder that ha you don’t get that scene. It’s a well written story so far otherwise . keep up the good work!
Undercover487 chapter 1 . 8/13/2020
Pretty amazing,!
anjiepotter chapter 11 . 7/16/2020
i don't know when this story will be updated... hope to read more soon
big johnson chapter 11 . 6/22/2020
It's a shame this won't get finished. Great story
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