Reviews for Harry Potter and the Trip to the Past
Guest chapter 5 . 9/22
So sadly no thought of at least checking with the goblins to see if they have a method so the artifacts can be spared.

Could've sought council and kept the portraits in a hidden room in his chest. It wasn't even a consideration. I get the feeling he may tell no one or anything possibly even after the fact.
Guest chapter 5 . 9/22
A Snape apologist. Kinda leaving out he was already friends with death eaters. He seems more attached and obsessed latching on from childhood then actually in love with her.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/22
If Tom could casually whip up that sack for transferring food and money then Harry should be able to do the same with his own cabinets to store in his trunk. I'm shocked that wasn't a thought. Having your own hallway of doors to travel about and get home or other places is too useful. Could do the same for Hermione and her home.

Ginny and the Burrow.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/22
? Sirius knows James and Lily are dead. The dementors ability would have him tortured by that repeatedly. He would never ask that.

I assume Fudge insisted on the dementord since Dumbledore wouldn't.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/22
Harry clearly knows something since he told the goblin vaults plural instead of vault.

I'm surprised he would trust Dumbledore with Peter. That would mean Sirius would be free and able to take control of raising Harry which Dumbledore doesn't want. Nor does he ever use his influence to get a trial.

I have severe doubts Dumbledore would go through with this and not just use his connections to put Peter in prison by Grindelwald at his prison in secret.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/22
Of he can cast wandlessly he can use his finger to open the wall path. Others could too even without knowing how to. Much like the guy stirring his drink with his finger as has been pointed out by people.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/22
Also the Ministry of Magic had no way of registering wandless magic and he was safe. He also knew Albus had no instrument to record magic performed here and the reason he had got caught with the Hover charm of Dobby's that had made the cake fall on the Dursleys guest and bloating aunt Marge was because of magic was performed in both instances in the presence of a muggle.

That doesn't make sense. What would is his wand being spelled to act like a beacon to a spell for sensing magic cast around it.

If at a family home with a registered adult magical who's magic it could be or a location like the school or alley it would be ignored. While potentially not even being noticed due to wards or lots of magic being cast unless its repeated attack like pulses of magic which are also watched for. Especially the large scale like a giant symbol in the sky or a massive magical fire engulfing an area.
santos.luis.contato chapter 10 . 9/4
This right here almost made me lose interest in the story ... First, because Harry being an experient auror, would not made that mistake of using his official wand instead of the spare.. Then, this whole thing of Snape knowing about Harry being from the future is killer for me...
bashfyl chapter 34 . 8/31
Thanks for sharing. 3
Jimbocous chapter 34 . 8/26
Thanks for a really great read! Very Nicely done! This one definitely hits the Keepers file!
Agaupe chapter 10 . 8/25

You had a good thing going up until that point. O don't mind stories where a writer has a hard on for Snape but when y'all completely make a very battle hardened, powerful, hyper alert, acutely aware Harry (especially one from the future) have someone easily get the drop on takes all the fucking energy out of the story. It just does. Because Snape can catch him unswares but, let me guess, Dumbledore won't be able to? That breaks something already implied within the story. I'll have to bid this farewell at this point. Sucks too because I was genuinely interested in this story. But Snape pulling one on THIS Harry makes as much sense as Harry getting with Ginny in the actual series.
RunnySpider10 chapter 10 . 8/14
Bullshit, no way that just happened so easily
Harry has all his magic, all his mind shields and they are gone like poof
No, that's Simppy all plot and plot armour, bull fucking shit, I don't care if it's done next chapter, you very well should have obliviated snape
MrsFH chapter 34 . 8/1
Fabulous story - very well plotted and enthralling from beginning to end. Thank you for sharing it.
FanficReaderQuilter chapter 28 . 7/7
..,im b1qqqqqqqqq
Rebatrek chapter 1 . 7/6
Don’t listen or feel bad about what some idiots write about your story! Critic’s like these go into a story looking for ways to bash it , not with an open mind looking for entertainment. I say good work!
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