Reviews for Emerald Eyes
Beth1112 chapter 33 . 12/18/2024
I enjoyed your story.
sarahsezlove chapter 30 . 5/28/2024
So good to read this again.
suepleiman68 chapter 32 . 5/6/2024
Read again after 3 years. Still wonderful!
Michellecole chapter 6 . 5/13/2023
Rereading one my favorite stories again . Hope you come back . They bring so much joy to others . The powers of the pen (computer.
Thank you for your story !
Guest chapter 24 . 7/11/2022
Katherine Rosalie Hale chapter 1 . 12/25/2021
Really would like to read this, but chapters 2-6 are blank.
mullingarofniall chapter 24 . 7/30/2021
This is SO tender
sarahsezlove chapter 33 . 2/8/2021
So good to read this again.
Meg Murray1 chapter 24 . 9/16/2020
I thought the scene with Snape and Harry was really sweet and well written. I love these kind of stories.
Guest chapter 22 . 9/14/2020
Harry's just not allowed to say or do anything. Snape jumps on him for every little thing.
WoNdEr GrAy chapter 23 . 9/10/2020
Snape is a little too imposing, nobody does this and kids are allowed to have some fun honestly i get so frustrated when Snape overreacts so hard
sarahsezlove chapter 31 . 7/22/2020
So good to read this again.
Lil'Sparrow7 chapter 24 . 5/19/2020
omygoodness that ending was so fluffy and good *tears up*
fanclaire chapter 33 . 5/16/2020
I loved your story and your version! thank you! I can't wait to read more!
dragonBug27 chapter 32 . 5/11/2020
Ahhhh so freaking cute. Harry seems quite young in this one - a refreshing change since the poor boy is made to grow too fast all too often (canon or otherwise). Never a fan of smacking but this worked out quite well I think.
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