Reviews for Best Laid Plans
Inej Brekker chapter 7 . 9/26/2024
I am loving this so much! Your writing is amazing and the story is hilarious. I hope the baby's name is Scorpius, I loved the name in the book!
leamankristen chapter 34 . 10/25/2023
Just finished reading this story was more fantastic than i could have ever imagined!
aamlkb chapter 18 . 7/8/2023
Aww no sexy times yet
aamlkb chapter 10 . 7/8/2023
aamlkb chapter 8 . 7/8/2023
aamlkb chapter 5 . 7/8/2023
Oh this should be interesting
aamlkb chapter 4 . 7/8/2023
Poor Draco. I wonder what Luci is up to.
aamlkb chapter 3 . 7/8/2023
Aww that is super cute. Picking baby names together.
aamlkb chapter 2 . 7/8/2023
Lol this is hilarious.
Jennee77 chapter 6 . 5/10/2023
The Death Eater conventions made me laugh so hard I cried. Now all I can picture is Lucius at the Death Eater convention bragging that he's a distant cousin by marriage of Voldermort. I bet he would have a tee shirt made.
MysteryX19 chapter 24 . 12/23/2021
i diddnt cry I promise (im a cancer okay!)
MysteryX19 chapter 11 . 12/20/2021
you are a really good writer
MysteryX19 chapter 8 . 12/19/2021
I laughed so hard
MysteryX19 chapter 1 . 12/18/2021
NerdGal4Life chapter 29 . 12/7/2021
When this happened I literally dropped my phone!
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